By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Surprise bitch!!!!!

That was more of a surprise than that vote by the looks of the vote count - should we expect anything different moving forward?

How do you feel your standing with the current jurors is? Do you need their votes, or do you think you have at least 5 of the remaining castaways votes?

How are you planning around the possibility of an idol being found (or not found)? Who do you think has it, or does no one?

FYI - I’m Joaq, I was on dumpster fire of a season Stranded in Indonesia and have hosted every season since. I’ve been mad busy with work (I’m like, really cool) so mostly my hosting duties have been relegated to pre-game planning and idols while I was out premerge. Hopefully you’ll be less of a pussy at the next tribal.
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Joaquin Souberbielle

By Ryan
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HUZZAH! Finally a vote went my way and my plan worked. I know there's still a long road ahead, but I feel a lot better right now.

I think more surprises are in store for sure. I may be plotting some of my own still cause I know I'm still on people's radars and I can't let my guard down. I'm certain someone other than Christina will go next so why not use her? Right now I'm trying to get in the good with Matt and Christina. Kinda making them think I was just told what to do while I was at dinner icon_lol

I think I could get Jonas's, maybe Chrissy's (she may hold the poor idol play against me though), and MAYBE Ali's (not sure if she'll respect my move to take her out or not. Would not be surprised in the slightest if she hates me now)... I could lose even if I make it to the end FOR SURE.

I'm confident that the password was asirigiya, asirigiyamonks, or something like that. One of these fools has had that merge idol for a couple days now too cause I'm pretty sure I entered asirigiya when we only had the first clue. If I had to guess, I'd say Christina has 2 idols, maybe even 3 if she got the one form her swapped tribe icon_lol OMG if she has 3 idols just give her the win already.

So I'm trying to be on Julie's good side as well right now. It seems to be working perfectly cause Julie is coming to me about switching up things and going after one of Cole, Patrick, Simone, or Kim. Of course I'm like "Yea they scare me too". I still don't want Cole or Patrick to go, but I'd be fine if Kim went next. Matt also tells me that Roark told him Kim scares her, so I of course immediately went to Roark and was like "Yo, Kim kinda scares me" icon_lol just needed to make her feel like we're on the same page. This next vote could shake things up again, I just don't want Cole or Patrick mad at me afterwords.
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By Ryan
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So as of right now this is what is going on.

Simone and Patrick have both come to me about everyone coming together to split the votes 4-3-2 between Christina and Leif, leaving whoever Matt and Christina vote for to have 2 votes against them. If that was to happen, Christina would likely play one of her 5 idols and Leif would go home.

HOWEVER, Julie and Roark have both come to me saying they'd rather group up with Christina and Matt and vote out one of Kim, Simone, Cole, or Patrick. This news makes everything very interesting.

If Roark, Julie, Christina, and Matt are voting Kim, then I would be happy-ish. But it still leaves Christina with the option of not playing her idol and still being safe. THEREFORE I want to have a majority of the votes on Christina. BUT what if Kim has an idol too? I know someone out there has it and my bet is on Christina, Kim, Simone, or Julie. If Kim has the other idol, she might play it if Christina plays her idol. So who would go if both of them play an idol? Folks are sketchy and they're all about saving themselves so I don't know.

SO this is what I want to happen. 4-3-2 vote, 4 on Christina, 3 on Kim, 2 on Leif. This provides for protection if Kim plays an idol too. Now, I'm not sure exactly how I could pull that off lol. Maybe I can convince Roark that we need to have a majority of the votes on Christina. So Roark, Simone, Kim, and Patrick vote Christina. Christina, Matt, and Julie vote Kim. Cole and myself vote Leif. That would be great, however unlikely it may be.

There's still one big question to be asked though. Do I WANT idols to be played? I could just pull off blindside after blindside to keep them from being played, but what happens if all the people left at final 5 have idols and I get Ciried out of here. I think we need to get them out of here ASAP. I might slip some information Simone's way about Julie/Roark flipping on Kim. Simone would hopefully tell Kim and then one of them would whip out an idol. Decisions, decisions.

There's ALSO the possibility that instead of Roark and Julie trying to blindside Kim, they blindside me. I wouldn't be surprised if folks thought I was the one controlling the vote last time so they try to get me out of here. Hopefully one of Matt, Cole, or Patrick would tell me if I'm getting votes. I gotta rely on them.
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