By Jeff Probst
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Jeff Probst

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By Kimmi Kappenberg
Christina - I'm too lazy to write different messages for people based on who wins and who doesn't so I'm going to ignore that. I think you're winning at this point but it could be Kim. Anyways, you were great. What a beast. And the fact that you carried that public idol and the target that came with it as far as you did is a real testament to your social skillz.

Kim - Your confessionals were always fun to read. I usually saved them until last because they were so long (lol) but that's a good thing, it was always informative and you had such a great grip on the game all the way through. I honestly don't know how you made it this far, it's insane really. Major props, Spradlinator.

Simone - I know you were busy with your job (hope you don't get fired) but I wish you'd posted more confessionals. When you did they were great, but not knowing what was going through your head for the majority of the game made it hard to root for you. Still, you played a stellar social game since most everyone talked about you and obviously it got you to the end, so props for being too busy to do confessionals but not so busy that you couldn't position yourself really well.

Ryan - You got/are getting a lot of flak for your game but it was crazy fun to watch. You may have gotten torn one or three new ones if you went to the finals (and the sadistic part of me kind of wanted to see that for entertainment purposes) but I also really wanted to see how you stuck up for yourself. I feel like you could've presented a case and maybe not won, but I think you could've scored at least a vote or two.

Matt - I really appreciated your enthusiasm coming into this thing, it's really great to know that the players are excited from the getgo. And you definitely delivered on that. I wish you'd have done more confessionals so we could have seen where your head was at, but even despite that you were great to watch as you figured out the game.

Roark - I'm looking forward to seeing you come back some day to play from the get go. You were definitely at a disadvantage

Patrick - I think you and Cole's bromance was one of my favorite things about this season. What a great duo. A dynamic one, in fact. I thought for sure one of you two and Simone would win this thing and then it all fell apart for the two of you, what a fun yet tragic story arc. More fun for us and tragic for you, really.

Cole - One of my favorite players of the season, for sure. You started out this thing pretty mellow and then just snapped at the merge, like that pursuit of Julie came out of freaking no where and it was amazing. And then the way you went out was simultaneously devastating to see and also kind of amazing. What a story arc. I need to see some redemption ASAP.

Julie - Man did you deliver. Not that it wasn't entertaining to see your vendetta unfold, but I wonder how well you could've done for yourself if you hadn't just made it your goal to avenge Jonas. I think you could've made it to the end, honestly. Maybe even won.

Ali - My winner pick icon_cry You really did do great though. I thought you were in a good position until everything got turned on you in like no time flat. It was kind of unexpected, honestly. I won't lie, you weren't exactly a huge standout in the premerge (although better than the inactives obviously, lol) but in the merge you just started to pop and it was great. I hope we get to see you play again.

Leif - Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe?

Chrissy - I'm going to settle this debate once and for all, but it really was Patrick/Cole/Kim who got the ball rolling initially for the Jonas boot. I think you did have some sway on a few people like Ali, it was easy and more or less unanimous because it was already in the works. Sorry for the bubble bursting, but it had to be done. Check out Kim's confessional for that round if you don't believe me. All that said, you were so much fun to watch. Kind of like Ali and Cole, you were kind of quiet and chill in the premerge for the most part, but then the merge hit and BAM you just like blossomed into a full maniacal manipulator. Two thumbs way way up.

Jonas - What a tragic boot. But what a compliment at the same time. You were genuinely liked by literally everyone in the game and that put a huge target on your back. You'll have to work at being less likable next time. icon_ha

Bill - You were tragically booted when you weren't even around to defend yourself, what a way to go.

Michael - Just for future reference for you, actively choosing to not talk to people isn't a strategy, it's just not playing the game. That's why you were being asked if you were inactive. By your own admission, you said after a week in the game that you'd only sent a message to one person. I know you were just trying to lay low and not overplay, but talking to people is the whole core of the game and if you're not doing it it's not even close to overplaying, it's just not playing at all. That said, I think you did notice that and tried to pick it up, but it was kind of too late. Better luck next time though. Just take what you learned and you could do well.

Alan - You were pretty fun to watch for the time that you were here. Then you vanished like a fart in the wind.

Tarzan - I wish you'd have done any confessionals. I'd have loved to see your thought processes in the game. It was fun to watch you on the boards though.

Kat - Poor Kat. The only active pre-merge boot until just before the merge. You deserved better.
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Kimmi Kappenberg

By Flicka Flame
Christina- I wanted so desperately to root for you because I love a good underdog story, but it was always hard for me because you reminded me of Sophie from season 26 who had 7 or 8 immunity wins and 2 idols and made it to the end. So it always makes me go crazy when I see someone that everyone else just can’t get rid of because of that. I am writing this before finding out the winner so let’s see if you can outdo Sophie and actually win or if you too are destined for runner-up.

Kim- I somehow found you to be under the radar and out in the open back and forth constantly. I have no idea how you did it. I loved watching you survive the 3 tribes when you were basically all alone but you managed to make some new allies from that which was impressive. I also really didn’t think anybody would let your ass get to the end after the touchy subjects challenge where it was made clear that you were the biggest threat to win.

Simone- I’m not gonna lie; I was pretty disappointed in you. I always get angry at people who just never show up or disappear in the middle of a challenge or tribal council. I understand there are time restraints on everyone but my god, woman, there’s a limit. Premerge I loved you. I thought you had this mysterious way about you without ever being a target but post merge it seemed as though you just sort of gave up even trying which is when most people get their shit together and make an effort.

Ryan- My winner pick so shy of making it to the end. I thought it was a very ballsy move to accept that challenge when the Kim vote situation happened at final 4. I still STRONGLY believe that Kim’s vote should NOT have counted since it says in the rules that there are no vote alternatives. I felt that you should have been in the final 3 over Kim because of that, but you agreed and unfortunately messed up. Despite the hate you got for the way you played, I never understood why everyone were little pussy baby bitches about it. Although I don’t think you could’ve won in the final 3, I think you would have definitely surprised people with your speech and responses and made a fantastic runner-up. The only player to find an idol AND the extra vote. (Both of which were unnecessarily used, but still.)

Matt- With all of the inactives and replacements this season, I was glad to see you take the Matt role and make that shit work. Watching you talk with everyone was a blast to me. You had this loveable and awkward way of talking with people while you were actually serious. I don’t even think you knew you had it but I loved it.

Roark- It almost feels like you weren’t a replacement because trust me, this premerge was a fucking bore for us hosts so it really felt like the game started at the merge which was when you were brought in. I thought people would target you early just because you were new but sure enough, you made it all the way to the final 6. Good on ya, Roark.

Patrick- Pat Rick. One of my favorites. I loved watching you be angry and having the mindset of “Go ahead and fuck with me, but you fuck with my allies and you’re done.” You looked like you were getting a winner’s edit for a while but alas, you fell a little short. However, you always delivered a good show and hope you play again someday.

Cole- Goddamn, you beautiful bastard. Another favorite of mine. I think you grew so much as a player from the beginning until the end for you. I know it must suck, but the way you went out was just so… perfect. You were so arrogant at times and I loved you for it, but your ending was just *kisses fingers*. Obviously in hindsight you should’ve played the idol no one knew you had and blew everyone’s nips off, but honestly, I think it was the right move to hang on to that idol since the odds weren’t THAT high you would get rocked out and could use it for a later time. I remember during the rock draw I was thinking, “Don’t pick 5, don’t pick 5, don’t pick 5.” Cole: “5.” FUUUUUUUCK!

Julie- I think you lasted longer than all of us thought you would. You were cringey at times for me, but you’re constant feuding with Cole made up for it to me. Although you weren’t one of the players I was most rooting for, for some reason your ending seemed… anticlimactic. It felt like it somehow didn’t do you justice but I can’t quite pinpoint why. And before you tear my ass up for saying the slightest negative thing about you, don’t forget I voted over 800 times for Otto to win that contest thingy so let’s call it even.

Leif- Biggest boner kill of the season. So much potential, so little height.

Ali- I was honestly quite surprised that you were voted out so early in the merge. Premerge you seemed to be in a great spot and I guess when you have 13 people together on a tribe not everyone’s plans are gonna line up properly and you got shafted. I was hoping to see you get a little further because you had a lot more game left to play, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that why.

Chrissy- In the beginning, you were pretty inactive but you developed a relationship with Ryan that I loved 100 times more than the real Ryan and Chrissy’s relationship which I HATED. You guys trusted each other so much so it really bummed me out when you to had a fallout. You seemed to always want to be a driving force and at times you were but I think people were starting to catch on that if they didn’t take you out soon, it was gonna be trouble for them.

Jonas- Robbed goddess. Quite bummed when you were voted out because you were just so damn likeable but if it didn’t happen at the merge you probably would have made it to the final 6 or 5 and it would’ve been more devastating. I loved how tight you and Julie were. You two trusted each other, honestly way too much. Also when you left, Julie was borderline creepy with how much she missed you. Like, damn girl, Jonas isn’t dead; he’s just on the jury.

Kat- Had to have you in here because I feel like you were truly fucked over with the swap and the amount of inactives. You were basically the only one who wasn’t removed due to inactivity and I hope you get a second chance one day because what happened to you is just the purest bullshit ever.

Everyone else, no.
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Flicka Flame

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By Jeff Probst
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Christina - You SLAYED this season. From minute one of grabbing the idol to your over the top social play. Getting ranked highest in your tribe and keeping that immunity idol all the way to the final fucking six. It's nothing short of a miracle that it happened. People can say what they want about inactivity or lack of challenge prowess from the rest of the cast, but they can not take away your stats. 7 Individual wins, successful idol bluffs, constantly fun around camp. You were a pleasure to host and quite frankly the type of player we dream of when casting. You should be very proud of your stamp on Stranded win or lose.

Kim - If Christina killed the "Outplay" part of the game, you slayed the Outwit part. You should have gone home several times since the final 8 or so, even having several close calls but you just kept persevering. I wish you had stepped a bit out of Simone/Cole/Patrick's shadow and been a bit more of a free thinker, but for a first outing... you had everyone trusting you at one point or another, and that's key. I saw your game, and you were maybe the least trustworthy person out there, yet you had everyone's trust, and that's impressive. An outstanding first outing, perhaps even a winning performance, we'll have to see (written before the votes are in).

Simone - There are players in the game who will continuously have me leaving out a giant "HAHHH!" aloud as I read their quips. You're definitely that player for me. I really wish that translated into a fantastic game but... this wasn't it. I'm sure it had to do with the shitty time difference, but... either way, it was an unremarkable performance. That said, you were HILARIOUS, and I very much look forward to shooting the shit with you after the game and hopefully seeing you come back and leave your witty commentary on future seasons.

Ryan - You were a standout this season for sure. Potentially our MOST controversial player. The hosts either loved your or loathed you, but as a character you DELIVERED. You were a character so hated by your fellow contestants that you were able to unite bitter rivalries like Julie and Cole over their vitriol towards you. That is saying something. You're going to get a lot of shit after this, but I feel like you're going to take it all in stride. You were actually an excellent player, you just didn't know what to do with it yet. That indecisiveness is what caused so many people to be infuriated with you. You had everyone's ear, controlled which way the season went most of the time, yet... you weren't playing your own game. You said it yourself when you said: "this puppy dog is staying on his leash" in your voting confessionals (btw props on the cringiest vote ever cast lol). I think given some practice and a bit of hindsight you will become one of the Stranded Greats. Mark my words. This was an incredible first outing though.

Matt - I think aside from Jonas you were my favorite person this season. You came into the game super eager to please and were adorably out of place to start. Your constant sense of being lost was hilarious and equally endearing. The most fun part to me was watching you evolve from being lost and confused to becoming a great player! By the end of Stranded you were calling people out in Councils, making moves to try and boost your position in the game and you made the final 5! I was rooting for you to succeed and I think people didn't give you the credit you deserved in the game. I think had you made it to the final 3 you could have won against a lot of other players. I think for sure you had the most significant growth this season and I look forward to seeing your journey as you continue to grow as a player in Stranded.

Roark - I have to start off by commending you for being such a huge sport in all of this. You were a VERY late-game replacement. Kind of a novelty casting of throwing you into the merge to cause intrigue. And you took everything on the chin and played your role to the fullest. On the downside, I think putting you in so late didn't give you the chance to play really. Had you been a stronger personality, I think you could've played into that role and just gone apeshit with it. But that's not you. You're controlled and calculated so this was the worst possible twist for you in particular. That said you made it very far! I think given another shot we would see you become more of an impactful character and I think more than anyone you deserve that second shot.

Patrick - Aside from being the leader of an alliance and a general villainous character... I think you really fell flat here. It took all the way until the final 9 or 8 until people started calling you out for you to arrive as a focal player. You were too far in the background to be one of the great Stranded villains. That said, after the game you definitely brought the drama. I just wish you had brought more of that IN the game. If you were going to be reserved, we at least needed to see a more OTT character in confessionals. I think you have the potential to be amazing but will need to grow some balls and bring that IN the actual season and not afterward when nothing is on the line.

Cole - If you/Patrick/Simone were the villainous alliance of the season, you were the attack dog. Where Patrick kind of sat in the shadows calling the shots, you were more than willing to fight the public battle and ultimately take the bullets for it. I commend you for that. When this season is all said and done, we will think of You and the people you fought with first. That is what we look for in casting, and you definitely delivered. It was a slow burn for you, and you know my grievances with targeting actives vs. inactive. Then came the second swap when you were almost autistic in your incessant targeting of Julie. It was laughable how many times and how often you were begging to vote out Julie. I mean it became a bit of an obsession, and you would NOT let it go when Patrick and Ryan were all but telling you to STFU about it. Then came that merge council when you and Julie were going at it. I was living. On a personal level it pissed me off to see you go after my wife, but as a host, I was living for it. You brought the goods and continued to deliver the goods. You just can't let things go, and that makes you infuriating for people to deal with, but fantastic for us to watch. You'll go down as one of the great Stranded villains, and we all love a good villain. That said when you wanted to be... you were incredibly likable! It would just be an odd immediately switch between lovable and douchey. Either way, it's fascinating, and you are 100% an All-star after this.

Julie - When we started talking about you playing, I thought you would be generally pleasant to everyone, just floating along like the social butterfly you were. Much like you were with Jonas! But... boy was I wrong. From minute one you were a firecracker, and we desperately needed it. If you were a random casting choice, you would've been one of our greatest finds ever. From minute one you brought the drama, being your tribe leader... causing mayhem, public fights with Alan. The drama just kept coming, and I really didn't think you had it in you. Most notably your public antics with Cole and your behind the scenes mayhem that would steer a bevy of votes that usually would've been pretty straightforward. You were even a pretty great player! With lots of social inroads and your ability to sniff out a vote made you seem like a seasoned veteran. You kept the game interesting, and I believe set a tone for public call outs that made every merge Tribal Council more exciting than the last. As my wife, you were my favorite player, and as a host, you were my favorite character. One of the standouts this season for sure.

Ali - I feel like you never quite got into your groove. The best time for you was your stint in the Tribunal and your bond with Matt/Christina. I loved your snarky attitude throughout the early merge, but I feel like you really came out of your shell around your boot episode. Then in the jury, you became full out what I had envisioned. It leads me to believe you never got to your full potential. I do think in the future you will make a great character and player. Sometimes it just takes players a little longer to get into the groove. I have a feeling you are going to be a great addition to our community!

Leif - So disappointed you disappeared. WTF happened?! I hope nothing serious :( You were our little devil in disguise (pun intended). You had so much promise to deliver on the troll aspect that we needed. Hope you turn up some day to explain what happened.

Chrissy - A star is born! What a spitfire. I initially was low on Chrissy, she wasn't showing up much and when she did was just kinda there... but luckily for Stranded, she got into her groove. By the time the swap rolled around, we finally got to see what a fantastic gamer Chrissy could be. Often times erratic and driven by emotions, Chrissy was a hellraiser, and we were living for it. Notably, she started out hating Julie and upon talking to her further instantly bonded with her and became her biggest protector in the pre-merge. In the merge, we saw Chrissy flip again in an instant when she saw Jonas as her biggest threat, despite being in a majority alliance with him. This would ultimately be Chrissy's downfall as swift karma saw her going home immediately after booting Jonas. In the jury, we finally got Chrissy's final form. A raging, hilarious bitch. My only regret is that we didn't get more time with you in the game to see that bitch fully realized. But damn we were glad to have you as part of the jury. Looking forward to seeing where the journey takes us next for Chrissy.

Jonas - For every villain and hot head we added to this season, there was some balance. Jonas was the much-needed relief this season. I think maybe one of our most likable players ever, Jonas was universally loved. What's not to like? He's always positive, complimentary, and upbeat. I think Jonas needs to work on being more aggressive, which is why the pairing of Jonas and Julie worked so well. He needed that extra oomph from Julie to get his game going. It was adorable watching him think everything was okay and Julie would have to scream at him "JONAS, WE ARE GETTING VOTED OUT!!!" to kickstart him into action. He's just THAT laid back. I hope if Jonas gets another shot that he's a bit more engaged in the strategy of everything. He needs to be because being lovable is almost always going to make him a huge target. That said, I'm so pleased he was able to stick around!

Bill - I liked Bill a lot, I just don't think he was active enough to be interesting. If he had more computer time, he would've been great I think... but unfortunately, we'll never know. Was really glad that everyone in the game decided to boot him before the merge. It was a proud hosting moment, and I think may be used again in the future as it worked really well in this game. So, that's Bill's legacy I guess.

Michael - ZZZ Just never quite got it, and when he did didn't offer much to the game. Sorry, bud. Maybe it's just a product of being new at this?

Alan - One of the most disappointing of the bevy of inactives. He had SUCH potential. His constant feuding with Julie and overall sassiness was great! And then he gave us the single most significant blue balls we've had in Stranded. Julie is picking new tribes, and shockingly she chooses.... Alan! The rivalry is on... and then you disappeared. WTF, maybe Julie scared you off? Whatever the reason it was a terrible way to leave and we will never forgive you for that.

Tarzan - Probably our most unique casting in a long time and when you were here... were friggin hilarious!!! I'm not sure what caused you to go inactive, but, I hate that it happened. I enjoyed watching you play because you were so different. Everything about you was endearing, and you were so good when you were here. RIP. Hope you return someday.

Kat - I really feel like you might have more to offer than we saw. You were a bit inactive, but when you showed up you were fun! I think given enough time you could've been on a similar trajectory as Chrissy and that's an exciting prospect. I think it's criminal that you were voted out when there were so many inactives that should have gone before you.
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Jeff Probst

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By Trashley Markwood
Christina - that ONE gif you posted all the time had me in hysterics. What an overdog, but not even a shifty boring overdog who just gets their minions to save them. I was ROOTING FOR YOU every round and you made it here. If you will it'll be such a deserved outcome.
Kim - UTR social strat queen icon_wub you were targeted quite a lot and didn't have immunity to save you mostly so I am really impressed with you making it so far. Don't know if you won but you wouldn't be undeserving icon_wub
Simone - I know your time zone hurt you a lot (Aussies who have jobs LIFE) and you weren't as deep in this as you otherwise might have been but you were still great. A performance on the boring side from you is still FTC-worthy and you weren't even bad. icon_wub
Ryan - what. A. MESS icon_laughing I loved you in this! Every season need A an OTT mess and we all thought it would maybe be Cole or Julie but NO! Ryan comes to stamp his claim. I wish you had made the end game just to see how you would have done and cannot wait to see you play again.
Matt - I think the one moment that stands out to me most for you was tmwhen you entered the jury and said something like "hey guys let's stop fighting :)" and then within 10 minutes had jumped right in. The power of this jury ♡♡ play again!
Roark - replacement icon_wub I think you did well given you were such a late addition. It's rare that a replacement doesn't get voted straight back out - I to see you play again in a season from the start next time icon_wub
Patrick - I think you were great but I think you think you were better than you may have been. You had huge influence in this game and your tribal council shenanigans were truly a highlight. Keep repping the rangas of this world.
Cole - What a paranoid mess icon_yes but you such a great antihero. I felt trrue despair in me when you found that idol, but of course you would! And then your exit was just so over the top you couldn't write it better than that. You took us on a journey in this game, and really helped save it from the curse of trash inactives. Your rivalry with Julie was truly one for the Stranded history books and I am sooo glad you were in this.
Julie - I LOVE YOU. Keep being amazing, I have no idea how anyone on this earth could not adore you. icon_wub
Ali - Nice, levelheaded, made jury where the OG couldn't. Success story imo.
Chrissy - I didn't agree with some the decisions you made but I thought youbwere a cracker of a player and really went to town to make sure your voice was heard both in the game and in the jury. I am a huge fan icon_wub
Jonas - what a fun personality. I'm glad to have such a positive presence in this cast, it was such a good counterbalance to the OTTN theatrics of some of the others. I hope you play again in the future icon_wub
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Trashley Markwood

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By Jeff Probst
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- 14th Place -

Played by: AlecNYC
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 18th Place - 12.94%

Jeff Probst wrote: I liked Bill a lot, I just don't think he was active enough to be interesting. If he had more computer time, he would've been great I think... but unfortunately, we'll never know. Was really glad that everyone in the game decided to boot him before the merge. It was a proud hosting moment, and I think may be used again in the future as it worked really well in this game. So, that's Bill's legacy I guess.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:You were tragically booted when you weren't even around to defend yourself, what a way to go.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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- 15th Place -

Played by: Jack the Greatest
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 17th Place - 12.94%

Jeff Probst wrote: ZZZ Just never quite got it, and when he did didn't offer much to the game. Sorry, bud. Maybe it's just a product of being new at this?
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:Just for future reference for you, actively choosing to not talk to people isn't a strategy, it's just not playing the game. That's why you were being asked if you were inactive. By your own admission, you said after a week in the game that you'd only sent a message to one person. I know you were just trying to lay low and not overplay, but talking to people is the whole core of the game and if you're not doing it it's not even close to overplaying, it's just not playing at all. That said, I think you did notice that and tried to pick it up, but it was kind of too late. Better luck next time though. Just take what you learned and you could do well.
Flicka Flame wrote:No
Trashley Markwood wrote::/
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Played by: JohnMichael
From: Discord

Fan Favorite Results: 16th Place - 17.61%

Jeff Probst wrote: One of the most disappointing of the bevy of inactives. He had SUCH potential. His constant feuding with Julie and overall sassiness was great! And then he gave us the single most significant blue balls we've had in Stranded. Julie is picking new tribes, and shockingly she chooses.... Alan! The rivalry is on... and then you disappeared. WTF, maybe Julie scared you off? Whatever the reason it was a terrible way to leave and we will never forgive you for that.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:You were pretty fun to watch for the time that you were here. Then you vanished like a fart in the wind.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Played by: Dogliest
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 15th Place - 18.50%

Jeff Probst wrote: Probably our most unique casting in a long time and when you were here... were friggin hilarious!!! I'm not sure what caused you to go inactive, but, I hate that it happened. I enjoyed watching you play because you were so different. Everything about you was endearing, and you were so good when you were here. RIP. Hope you return someday.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:I wish you'd have done any confessionals. I'd have loved to see your thought processes in the game. It was fun to watch you on the boards though.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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- 18th Place -

Played by: NicoUsername
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 14th Place - 27.78%

Jeff Probst wrote: I really feel like you might have more to offer than we saw. You were a bit inactive, but when you showed up you were fun! I think given enough time you could've been on a similar trajectory as Chrissy and that's an exciting prospect. I think it's criminal that you were voted out when there were so many inactives that should have gone before you.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:Poor Kat. The only active pre-merge boot until just before the merge. You deserved better.
Flicka Flame wrote:Had to have you in here because I feel like you were truly fucked over with the swap and the amount of inactives. You were basically the only one who wasn’t removed due to inactivity and I hope you get a second chance one day because what happened to you is just the purest bullshit ever.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Played by: Just Blake
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 13th Place - 28.72%

Jeff Probst wrote: So disappointed you disappeared. WTF happened?! I hope nothing serious :( You were our little devil in disguise (pun intended). You had so much promise to deliver on the troll aspect that we needed. Hope you turn up some day to explain what happened.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:Where did you come from? Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe?
Flicka Flame wrote:Biggest boner kill of the season. So much potential, so little height.

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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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- 3rd Place -

Played by: Willie
From: AustralianStranded

Fan Favorite Results: 11th Place - 54.61%

Jeff Probst wrote: There are players in the game who will continuously have me leaving out a giant "HAHHH!" aloud as I read their quips. You're definitely that player for me. I really wish that translated into a fantastic game but... this wasn't it. I'm sure it had to do with the shitty time difference, but... either way, it was an unremarkable performance. That said, you were HILARIOUS, and I very much look forward to shooting the shit with you after the game and hopefully seeing you come back and leave your witty commentary on future seasons.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:I know you were busy with your job (hope you don't get fired) but I wish you'd posted more confessionals. When you did they were great, but not knowing what was going through your head for the majority of the game made it hard to root for you. Still, you played a stellar social game since most everyone talked about you and obviously it got you to the end, so props for being too busy to do confessionals but not so busy that you couldn't position yourself really well.
Flicka Flame wrote:I’m not gonna lie; I was pretty disappointed in you. I always get angry at people who just never show up or disappear in the middle of a challenge or tribal council. I understand there are time restraints on everyone but my god, woman, there’s a limit. Premerge I loved you. I thought you had this mysterious way about you without ever being a target but post merge it seemed as though you just sort of gave up even trying which is when most people get their shit together and make an effort.
Trashley wrote:I know your time zone hurt you a lot (Aussies who have jobs LIFE) and you weren't as deep in this as you otherwise might have been but you were still great. A performance on the boring side from you is still FTC-worthy and you weren't even bad. icon_wub
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- 11th Place -

Played by: Angeliac
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 9th Place - 58.33%

Jeff Probst wrote: I feel like you never quite got into your groove. The best time for you was your stint in the Tribunal and your bond with Matt/Christina. I loved your snarky attitude throughout the early merge, but I feel like you really came out of your shell around your boot episode. Then in the jury, you became full out what I had envisioned. It leads me to believe you never got to your full potential. I do think in the future you will make a great character and player. Sometimes it just takes players a little longer to get into the groove. I have a feeling you are going to be a great addition to our community!
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:My winner pick icon_cry You really did do great though. I thought you were in a good position until everything got turned on you in like no time flat. It was kind of unexpected, honestly. I won't lie, you weren't exactly a huge standout in the premerge (although better than the inactives obviously, lol) but in the merge you just started to pop and it was great. I hope we get to see you play again.
Flicka Flame wrote: I was honestly quite surprised that you were voted out so early in the merge. Premerge you seemed to be in a great spot and I guess when you have 13 people together on a tribe not everyone’s plans are gonna line up properly and you got shafted. I was hoping to see you get a little further because you had a lot more game left to play, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that why.
Trashley wrote:Nice, levelheaded, made jury where the OG couldn't. Success story imo.
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By Jeff Probst
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- 5th Place -

Played by: Michael F.
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 9th Place - 58.33%

Jeff Probst wrote: I think aside from Jonas you were my favorite person this season. You came into the game super eager to please and were adorably out of place to start. Your constant sense of being lost was hilarious and equally endearing. The most fun part to me was watching you evolve from being lost and confused to becoming a great player! By the end of Stranded you were calling people out in Councils, making moves to try and boost your position in the game and you made the final 5! I was rooting for you to succeed and I think people didn't give you the credit you deserved in the game. I think had you made it to the final 3 you could have won against a lot of other players. I think for sure you had the most significant growth this season and I look forward to seeing your journey as you continue to grow as a player in Stranded.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote:I really appreciated your enthusiasm coming into this thing, it's really great to know that the players are excited from the getgo. And you definitely delivered on that. I wish you'd have done more confessionals so we could have seen where your head was at, but even despite that you were great to watch as you figured out the game.
Flicka Flame wrote: With all of the inactives and replacements this season, I was glad to see you take the Matt role and make that shit work. Watching you talk with everyone was a blast to me. You had this loveable and awkward way of talking with people while you were actually serious. I don’t even think you knew you had it but I loved it.
Trashley wrote:I think the one moment that stands out to me most for you was tmwhen you entered the jury and said something like "hey guys let's stop fighting :)" and then within 10 minutes had jumped right in. The power of this jury ♡♡ play again!
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By Jeff Probst
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- 7th Place -

Played by: FDR
From: Australian Stranded

Fan Favorite Results: 8th Place - 65.72%

Jeff Probst wrote: Aside from being the leader of an alliance and a general villainous character... I think you really fell flat here. It took all the way until the final 9 or 8 until people started calling you out for you to arrive as a focal player. You were too far in the background to be one of the great Stranded villains. That said, after the game you definitely brought the drama. I just wish you had brought more of that IN the game. If you were going to be reserved, we at least needed to see a more OTT character in confessionals. I think you have the potential to be amazing but will need to grow some balls and bring that IN the actual season and not afterward when nothing is on the line.
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote: I think you and Cole's bromance was one of my favorite things about this season. What a great duo. A dynamic one, in fact. I thought for sure one of you two and Simone would win this thing and then it all fell apart for the two of you, what a fun yet tragic story arc. More fun for us and tragic for you, really.
Flicka Flame wrote: Pat Rick. One of my favorites. I loved watching you be angry and having the mindset of “Go ahead and fuck with me, but you fuck with my allies and you’re done.” You looked like you were getting a winner’s edit for a while but alas, you fell a little short. However, you always delivered a good show and hope you play again someday.
Trashley wrote:I think you were great but I think you think you were better than you may have been. You had huge influence in this game and your tribal council shenanigans were truly a highlight. Keep repping the rangas of this world.
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- Winner -

Played by: Shatterglyph
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 7th Place - 68.50%

Jeff Probst wrote: If Christina killed the "Outplay" part of the game, you slayed the Outwit part. You should have gone home several times since the final 8 or so, even having several close calls but you just kept persevering. I wish you had stepped a bit out of Simone/Cole/Patrick's shadow and been a bit more of a free thinker, but for a first outing... you had everyone trusting you at one point or another, and that's key. I saw your game, and you were maybe the least trustworthy person out there, yet you had everyone's trust, and that's impressive. An outstanding first outing, perhaps even a winning performance, we'll have to see (written before the votes are in).
Kimmi Kappenberg wrote: Your confessionals were always fun to read. I usually saved them until last because they were so long (lol) but that's a good thing, it was always informative and you had such a great grip on the game all the way through. I honestly don't know how you made it this far, it's insane really. Major props, Spradlinator.
Flicka Flame wrote: I somehow found you to be under the radar and out in the open back and forth constantly. I have no idea how you did it. I loved watching you survive the 3 tribes when you were basically all alone but you managed to make some new allies from that which was impressive. I also really didn’t think anybody would let your ass get to the end after the touchy subjects challenge where it was made clear that you were the biggest threat to win.
Trashley wrote:what a fun personality. I'm glad to have such a positive presence in this cast, it was such a good counterbalance to the OTTN theatrics of some of the others. I hope you play again in the future icon_wub
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