- Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:04:50 am
Of course you being a threat also factored into it lmao. In my mind you were a way bigger threat than Kim because I always knew exactly everything Kim was up to or thinking. Don't get me wrong, I trusted you so much and I had a blast playing this game with you but by the F7 you just kept going from strength to strength and the momentum just continued to build. Sometimes I'd feel like your number one and then at times I'd be like BUT is he playing me? Because I knew you were charismatic with everyone and it wouldn't be hard for you to make a lot of different people think that they're your number one. Fit in might not be the best way to word it but I just remember having the gut feeling during that tribal that if I don't get rid of you now, I might never get the chance and it wasn't because I disliked you or didn't trust you any less because you never gave me a reason to not trust you but because going into the final rounds I don't think I ever would have gotten on the same level as you as I was with Kim and you would have just plowed to the end. It was a factor of things running through my head, you know when you make those split decisions? I was also thinking about the rep ructions of voting you as well. I was already thinking do I own up to it with Kim? Do I try and conceal my sneaky ways and convince everyone Ryan did flip? Then it was revealed Kim did it as well and I was like well, this is interesting. I felt like I def would get more heat from you about it than Kim because we just did that much more together.
I know you said Ryan was with us but after the previous vote and in the voting window with all our "Will Ryan stick with us tho?" just added to the doubt. I remember when you and Cole were convinced Ryan was completely with us and I told you two to just be careful and not be to overconfident about it because Ryan was known to weigh up options and then the F8 vote happened and I was like ugh. Kim was just as paranoid about it as I was but like I said, the last message we had was vote Matt soo voting with you was both our own decisions.
As for the DVD cover, I don't need to tell you why you should be on the DVD cover, you KNOW you will be on the DVD cover. You'll be centre middle and you'll most likely have Julie and Christina flipping you the bird in the background of your square and you'll just be embracing every moment of it.
This was a wild ride from the start. I don't know what I would have done without you and Cole on the original Bambarun. I remember everyone saying "I've spoke to Patrick" and I remember stressing out because you hadn't responded to me and then you showed up and we had the longest first conversation I think I've ever had and we just instantly hit it off and it continued from there on out. There was never a dull moment and it was just such a blast not only through your intense paranoia at times to the spam messages you'd send me when you were sure you were getting voted out and then coming back and being all "soz" lmao. It was just so much fun and you'll always be a big part of the memories of this game for me. The Bambarun three would have been an amazing way to finish out this game. I think you more than anyone know how hard I was playing and how much I was putting into this so I appreciate that you'd at least consider me. Thank you so much for everything and wether I get your vote or not, it was a pleasure.