By Jeff Probst
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Alright, if you would like to volunteer to be picked as a member of the Tribunal, please post in this thread now.

We will draw rocks between the volunteers to decide who is in.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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While we wait, I'll explain how we'll pick.

I will start a new thread with a number. One at a time, in the order you volunteered, you will guess at what number that is. If you guess correctly, you are in the Tribunal.

The number will be hidden until you reply to the thread, so it is important thta tyou do not reply until you are instructed to guess.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:35:19 pm
While we wait, I'll explain how we'll pick.

I will start a new thread with a number. One at a time, in the order you volunteered, you will guess at what number that is. If you guess correctly, you are in the Tribunal.

The number will be hidden until you reply to the thread, so it is important thta tyou do not reply until you are instructed to guess.
For instance, since 5 people signed up for Natyaya, they would pick a number between 1-5. I will tell the first person to guess, whic hwould be Ryan. If he guesses incorrectly, I will tell the next person to guess a number between 1-5 that Ryan did not guess. Until someone guesses the correct number.

I'm doing this so that you know 100% it is fair and i am not making up the number. The number is revealed when you reply. You obviously cannot share with eachother waht the number is once you have seen it.
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Jeff Probst

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By Kim
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Ali wrote:
Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:40:53 pm
Wow, Kat is no longer with the tribe. icon_blink
Very observant Ali, your parents must be so proud
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