By Jeff Probst
Posts Custom

Lock #4 - Coordinates

Overview: In a repeat of the coordination challenge: There is a large playing field filled with 80 "x's" arranged in an 8x10 square.

To start, you will click on the first “green” X. This will pop up with a set of characters next to a set of letters. The characters will reference a number. This is the amount of spaces you will move in any given direction. The letter is either N, S, E, or W and will reference the direction in which you will move.

After you follow this set of coordinates it will lead you to the next set. Each set of coordinates is ONE move. Remember where you are because from there the coordinates will direct you to the next set.

At the bottom right hand corner of each set of coordinates there is a purple shape. Keep track of these shapes because this is the key to your password.

The password will be the shapes in the order that you found them.

Example: circlesquaretriangleheart

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Jeff Probst

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