-- 6th Place | 8th Juror | Voted Out 3-1-(2) --
By Jeff Probst
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Well that was quite the dramatic coucnil.

Lots of revelations that round. Starting with the challenge... Did any of the answers reveal anything that you were unaware of? Do any of them concern you?

The Tribal Council... well that was a doozey. What are your thoughts on Patrick saying that Patrick/Simone/Cole/Kim were forced to be together and Ryan and You are joining them?

How does Julie going home affect your game?

Who is your target going forward and who do you think stands the best chance of winning the game now?
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By Roark
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I think it's funny that everyone thinks I'm a pawn of Kim/Cole/Pat. I am working with both sides at the moment and voting with the group I think is targeting the right person. Last night we were supposed to blindside Kim but Christina got paranoid and freaked out and Julie wanted everyone to vote Pat so the confusion took over. Then, on the other side Kim/Cole/Pat all voted Julie instead of splitting. I know I'm on the bottom there and have some level of control with Christina/Matt/Ryan. Ideally, we vote Kim or Pat next tribal. Christina has said she would be ok using her idol on someone else if we can figure out the other side's vote. Julie going home is interesting. She seemed to not like me which I'm not sure why. We didn't talk too much but I don't think I did anything mean to her either. Now that she's gone, things will be a lot less entertaining but also votes will be easier because she probably won't be interfering as much. I think Kim and Christina both need to go because they are the top people to win at the moment. I think Kim is the more immediate threat with more control so she needs to go first, but Christina needs to go soon too.

As far as the challenge goes, I hope everyone was just basing the undeserving of being here question on how I came in late and not on my personality/game play. I can see why that logic makes sense, but still it's annoying. On another note, I seriously thought I had the idol clue right but I can't get in so I don't know if that means someone has it or that I'm actually wrong haha. I've tried so hard jeffery dang it!!
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By Trashley Markwood
Ignore any haters! Replacements in Stranded do well all the time - I was a replacement in my first season in the late pre-merge and it didn't destroy me. People tend to get over it if you prove your worth <3

Eager to see how the round goes for you and what you end up deciding to do :)
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