By Jeff Probst
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Well that was quite the dramatic coucnil.

Lots of revelations that round. Starting with the challenge... Did any of the answers reveal anything that you were unaware of? Do any of them concern you?

The Tribal Council... well that was a doozey. What are your thoughts on Patrick saying that Patrick/Simone/Cole/Kim were forced to be together and You and Roark are joining them?

How does Julie going home affect your game?

Who is your target going forward and who do you think stands the best chance of winning the game now?
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By Ryan
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I wasn't shocked by most of them. However, I was surprised that people would trust SIMONE with their lives. Not that I wouldn't trust her, but like so many people said Simone. It was interesting. Nothing else really concerns me about the answers, other than Kim knowing she's a threat and she'll try to make moves to save herself.

Yea I thought Patrick saying that was funny. Like he is kicking himself in the butt, and I fed into it a little bit. I do somewhat trust Patrick though so I DID NOT want him to go home. I have plans to go deep with him, maybe even the final 3. It's a very interesting topic to bring up when people are calling me their lap dog. It's honestly shocking to me that that's the reputation I have when I felt like I was controlling the last couple votes, until last minute when people started panicking. I think my chances of winning this game have dropped dramatically because Christina and Julie are putting it into people's heads that I'm a lap dog. However, I think it has increased my chances of making it to the end, if folks think I'm a goat. This game is entirely perception, and it's hard to shake a bad one. I'm going to continue trying to throw Patrick under the bus and point out his flaws. It honestly seems like the jury hates him and will hate him, I wonder if that's enough to take votes away from him in the end.

Julie going was not the most ideal outcome for me. I wanted Kim to go. It was so perfectly set up that Kim was gonna go and I had excuses ready to give Patrick and Cole for why I voted Kim. Then Patrick's name comes up. Then Julie and Christina start calling me a lap dog and saying I'm not doing anything in the game. Overall, all of that name calling gives me a very good excuse to give Matt and Roark for why I didn't vote with them. Not too shabby. I wanted to work with Julie though, just not more than I wanted to work with Patrick.

I'm not sure if I'll be a target or not, but I know our perceived group of Cole, Patrick, myself will be targeted. This next tribal might be the time to pull out the extra vote if everyone starts turning on us, even though I still want to save it for final 6. I hope Kim/Christina stay targets cause I want both of them out of here.

Best chance of winning this game could change a lot depending on this next vote. If the plan worked and Kim was voted out tonight, I really though Julie was gonna be able to go all the way. Now, I think Matt or Simone have the best shot of winning. People right now think Matt's a goat, but he's become the underdog, maybe that will get him votes if he makes it to the end. Simone is also playing everyone I feel. She's not the main target of anyone.

As far as this next vote goes. I want it to be Kim still. I'll feel more comfortable with Patrick/Cole if Kim isn't here.
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By Ryan
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Alright, it's official. I'm in love with Kim...

Nah lol but really she's so easy to talk to and such a nice person. Watch her end up being an old man icon_lol Seriously she's awesome. Sucks that I'll have to vote her out icon_weep
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By Trashley Markwood
So the 3 people you originally wanted to work with the most were the 3 first merge boots - why is that? If in control of the votes (like you say), what happened to shift your allegiances so quickly? Do you have an ideal vote for next round if Kim leaves this time as you plan?
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Trashley Markwood

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By Ryan
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This entire game I've been shifting my loyalty from person to person. I definitely was not in control of Jonas or Chrissy going. I didn't want them to. I shifted my allegiance from Ali to Cole/Patrick because Ali and Christina were controlling the game and I didn't want to play their game. I wanted to be in control of my own game.

My allegiances have been shifting this entire game because that's the downside of the initial strategy I started with. I came into the game wanting to be everyone's closest ally. The problem is that all of my closest allies were not allies with each other. Chrissy wanted Jonas out, Cole wanted Chrissy out, etc. Even now, I want to keep Roark and go after Kim, but non of Cole/Patrick/Simone want those things. This whole game has been extremely difficult to get what I want because of that.

Ideally, best case scenario for me Kim, Christina, and Matt are the 3 next votes. I highly doubt I can get that to happen cause the foursome of Cole/Patrick/Simone/Kim is pretty tight. They don't want to turn on each other. And they also are afraid of Christina's idol so they are targeting other people.

Right now it seems like Simone, Kim, and Pat will vote Roark (who I don't want to go), while Cole Votes Christina. Cole's expecting me, Roark, and Matt to vote Christina too, but I'm going to try to convince Matt and Roark that we need to vote one of the 4 (Cole, Patrick, Simone, Kim). I don't really care who at this point cause they are all extremely stubborn and are protecting each other. It'd be great if Christina used her idol too. I still can't trust Roark and Matt entirely to do what they say, but I gotta try.

Even though more people have been voted out, I'd still give myself a 4% chance to win this game.
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By Ryan
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I don't have a lot of confidence that Roark and Matt are telling me the truth, but I've been telling them that the 4 are all voting Christina, when in reality they splitting on Christina and Roark. If it all goes as planned then it would be 3 votes Roark, 1 vote Christina, 4 votes Kim, and Christina's idol will use her idol. Would not be surprised if Christina and Matt are telling the 4 that I'm gonna vote for one of them cause Christina's shady. I can only hope that these fools are playing logically and know that getting rid of me right now is pointless.

I also want to just talk a bit about the rest of the players. Who I think is playing a game worthy of winning. If I was on the jury, who would I vote for? Depending on who gets there with who, I'd mainly root for Kim, Simone, or Matt. Kim is great socially and plays all sides. Simone is as well, and has pretty much been in the know and in control all game with Kim. Matt has an underdog story coming and if he blindsides me at this vote then he's definitely earned my respect for being able to blindside someone lol. I don't want to take any of those 3 to the final 3
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