By Flicka Flame
icon_chaos Just like that the jury gets its first member. Good job on surviving.

Did that vote go the way you wanted?

Now that the jury phase has started, have you been thinking about your resume? What you've done so far and what you need to do to not only get to the end, but to also put enough people on the jury to vote for you to win?

Is it clear who voted for who or is it for the most part unknown?

With an idol played, a new one may be hidden. How much would this change the game?

Think you're in a good spot after the first merge vote?

No bullshit, what do you think your odds are of winning as of right now?

Good luck and hope to see you in the final 11.
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Flicka Flame

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By Ryan
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Hello! icon_lol Sorry for letting those of you who are rooting for me down.

The vote 100% did not go the way I wanted. I wanted Jonas to stay, I lost an idol, and everyone is mad at me now.

I don't care about a resume right now. I'm in survival mode and if I end up getting power later, and I feel like I need a better resume, I'll make a move. For now, only thinking about how I make it another day.

I think Julie, Leif, and 2 other people voted Roark. I don't know and I don't really care right now. It was so hectic before tribal that I can't even accuse anyone of lying.

I think I'm in THE worse spot after the merge vote.

6% chance of winning.
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By Ryan
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And this idol... "pray" "tooth" "sweet"... something to do with the Buddhist Temple of the Tooth!?!??
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By Ryan
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No one likes cricket anyway

I have no idea how I get out, my friend. Maybe I can get another idol and waste it. Yea that's probably what I'll try doing.
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By Flicka Flame
You haven't let me down. Still pulling for you to win. An idol AND an extra vote? You're doing just swell. There's a lot of room to work your magic with 11 other people in the game. Just gotta find you're way in.

As far as the idol, like a condom, it's better to use it and not need to than need to and not use it.
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Flicka Flame

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By Jeff Probst
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Do you think your place with Julie/Leif is repairable?

You mentioned just trying to survive the next few votes, do you believe you are on the outside of the original Bambarun tribe? Who do you view as the people with the most power/least danger?

It's often helpful to rank people in terms of threats. How would you rank the tribe?
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By Ryan
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Julie is honestly crazy so I don't know about that one. Leif I haven't heard from yet, not sure how he feels about the whole situation. I still don't feel like either has a right to be mad at me of all people cause I was the one trying to save our alliance until word got out.

I don't think I'm on the outside of Bambarun, but I also don't feel like all of Bambarun is together. I feel confident that Cole and Patrick trust me. I've decided to switch up my game this time and share that I have an extra vote with Cole, cause obviously I'm not good at making decisions on my own. I also think Ali and Simone generally trust me. Not sure if I'm one of their closest allies anymore, but they both seem to still want to work with me. I do have to watch out for Ali though cause she's with Christina and all she does is try to get information out of me.

I think Ali has had the most power right now. She has Christina and probably Kim on her side, and I'm still trying to work with her. She's working all sides right now, she could probably make it to the end. Christina obviously has power in the form of an idol. That side is dangerous.

Threats ranked from least to most threatening:
11. Patrick
10. Leif
09. Matt
08. Roark
07. Cole
06. Simone
05. Chrissy
04. Julie
03. Kim
02. Christina
01. Ali

My focus right now is on strengthening my relationships with everyone. Especially Ali, Christina, Simone, and Leif. I feel like it's crucial to get those people to want to keep me around.
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