By Julie
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Oh and before we switched tribes the first time, Matt messaged me and told me he had an idol and that I needed to work with him. So there's that gem too.
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By Ali
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Leif wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:26:08 pm
Ali wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:25:18 pm
Leif wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:22:37 pm
but I will say that I don't think this game needs to get personal! we're all people playing an online game for absolutely no prize. let's keep it within the context of the game.
I agree with this.

Except, when I am voted out I will be calling you guys so many bitches and cunt* like I've lost my mind. icon_censored icon_wub
cunt isn't too personal, it's ok
Call me one then. You're already a dwarf and short as it is, but I'll give new meaning to the saying 'down to Earth.' icon_cool
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By Jeff Probst
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At this time all votes are final.

If anyone has an idol and would like to play it on themselves or someone else, you now have 5 minutes to do so.

I'll go tally the votes. (Give me a minute there are 13 fucking votes)
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Jeff Probst

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By Leif
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listen y'all I'm ready for someone to fight with me

the only TC I went to so far, sloth ass Alan went home
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By Cole
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Julie wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:26:21 pm
Julie wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:22:39 pm
Cole wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:19:46 pm

I never said that she was stupid. No idea where she's getting that from. She's going to say whatever she can to get you on her side. She's saying I'm a woman hater, that I make fun of disabled people, and that I'm targeting inactives. I was targeting her because she's a social threat. Why is that so crazy? She is probably one of the most active people on this game. The people that know me know that I'm not like that.
I've been told that you said I was so stupid and that you can't wait to vote me out. Also, you have been targeting active people instead of inactive people. We all wanted Michael out but you kept trying to flip everyone on me.
Plus I just wanted to make the merge so I figured I would air out all of your dirty laundry.

Oh and before we switched tribes the first time, Matt messaged me and told me he had an idol and that I needed to work with him. So there's that gem too.
Julie, I think you just showed your true colors that you're not to be trusted.
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By Kim
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Oh my gosh I just get home and this GOLD is what I have been missing out on!
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By Jonas
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Julie wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:28:49 pm
Oh and before we switched tribes the first time, Matt messaged me and told me he had an idol and that I needed to work with him. So there's that gem too.
Matt was being pretty weird pre-merge, but (Jeff correct me if I'm wrong here) that was before Matt was replaced with a new, more active Matt.
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