By Jeff Probst
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Here you can address the jury with your question or statement. You should keep it to one post that they can reply to. Try to include all of your questions/statement in this post and save any rebuttals or further questioning for the live council on Sunday.

Please do not ask the final three to go down any long lists, keep in mind that each question takes a very long time to properly answer and asking too much can be tedious.

The floor is now yours! Please post your questions/statements before Saturday at 8c/9e.
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By Christina
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~*Christina’s Response to Roark*~


What was your strategy going into the game and do you feel like you achieved it?

My strategy entering the game was two things: 1.) I wanted to be memorable enough. I know during my interview process for Stranded, I was told that if you are a character and memorable that even if you are first boot you are more likely to be asked back 2.) I wanted to play a strategic game and try and play the middle/be a mastermind game player.

I did one of my two objectives. I completed #1, I was memorable and lively. I was in your face from day 1 to be someone that everyone would remember after the season was over. I feel like that objective was a success.

I did not fully achieve my 2nd objective. I think pre-merge and early merge I was doing very well with my ability to connect with people. I was able to fully get myself into great social bonds with Julie, Jonas, Kim, Simone, Ali, Matt, Leif, and even yourself in the early merge. However, when I won the three first immunity challenges (Bill round, Jonas round, and Chrissy round) I painted myself a huge threat in this game. I did not realize the amount of influence that was going to have on my allies and my ability to play the middle. It caused many of them to shy away from wanting to work with me. Instead, I couldn’t play a middle game and become a huge mastermind. I had to shift my strategic game into being chaotic, fearful, and even a bit transparent in public tribal councils. I had to work angles of getting people to see the majority alliance and wanting to vote them out with me, etc. I say that I did not fully achieve this goal because I was unable to be under the radar and a mastermind behind the scenes. However, I still feel like I played a strong strategic game. I think that side of the objective was fulfilled. I just think I was a strategic gameplayer in a different way then what I ideally saw myself being when I joined the game.

Thank you for this question, and good luck with making your decision.
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By Simone
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Hi girl.

My strategy coming into this was to take over Jessica's body and assume a new identity at the merge. lmao jk. <3

I knew coming into this my situation would be a little more unique. I knew that while I live a busy life I would have to adapt to a social game and spend a lot of my time in the conversation aspect of the game and making sure I could gain trust and strong relationships that would have my back during the game. There were times I'd be up talking to the night owls to the early hours of the morning, then I would have two-three hours sleep and get back up and talk to the normal hours people. It really was heavy on my body and schedule but I managed to achieve it and get here. It showed in my game because I had several people who trusted me with a lot and it even showed in the survey challenge when I was voted trusted with peoples lives. I didn't even share that category. lmao! I also wanted to play a strategic Survivor game and I feel like I achieved that most of all.

Obviously if I got the chance to do it all over again I would make sure I had the time to really fully immerse myself in the experience. I'm not saying I didn't because I did and there were times of great success and times when I had to hustler like the little hustler I am. But after seeing how this game plays out its clear that a lot of it comes down to a great public presence and how people perceive you from that if you want your game to be fully acknowledgeable.

Thanks Roark. <3
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By Kim
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What was your strategy going into the game and do you feel like you achieved it?

On all of our applications to play this game, we had to answer this question. This was my answer to Jeff before coming into the game:

"My strategy going into the game is to lay low in the beginning and just CONCENTRATE on bonding with all of my tribemates. Connections are literally the most important thing in the game in the beginning and they can carry you to the end if you do it correctly. I also want to be a middle of the road physical player so that I am not voted off for weakness, but I don't show my stuff too soon. After a possible swap, it's back to bonding with new tribemates and getting intell on as much of the dynamics as I possibly can so I'm positioned strongly at the merge. The beginning of the game is generally what shapes the rest of your journey so I believe it's the most important aspect of the game."

Looking back on it now, I believe I stuck to my strategy to a T. I did concentrate on my social game the most at the beginning and make those connections that would carry me forward in the game. You giving me immunity at the vote before the merge is a prime example of this. After the first swap, I bonded with new tribemates and got intell on tribe dynamics which positioned me well at the merge. The connections I made on the swapped tribe in the beginning of the game 100% shaped the rest of my journey and they are the reason I am sitting here right now. In addition, I think I was a middle of the road physical player. I did well in challenges, but I certainly wasn't winning all of them and putting a target on my back. I do not believe I could have achieved the strategy I had going into this game any better than I did.
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