By Jeff Probst
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Here you can address the jury with your question or statement. You should keep it to one post that they can reply to. Try to include all of your questions/statement in this post and save any rebuttals or further questioning for the live council on Sunday.

Please do not ask the final three to go down any long lists, keep in mind that each question takes a very long time to properly answer and asking too much can be tedious.

The floor is now yours! Please post your questions/statements before Saturday at 8c/9e.
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By Jonas
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Yes it does, Jake. Yes it does...
CONGRATULATIONS CHRISTINA, KIM, AND SIMONE! You killed it. You did the hard work and you got here to the final 3. All through wonderfully different methods even.

Let's get right on to it now....


Without a doubt you played a very open game. Aggressive in tribals. Spilling details all about. Fighting to win challenges (and succeeding at doing so) time and again. It was an impressive display and you demonstrated that you were not giving up.
All-in-all, I really enjoyed your game. I am sad that I wasn't able to play alongside you for longer, though. Above all else, I was really looking forward to the merge to work with both you and Kim once again.... but....

I think you laid out your game pretty well and put in a good case for yourself. So I've got just a few questions:

I've seen some hate go your way in regards to your social game. Before getting voted out, I thought I had a great social connection with you.
Is it an accurate assessment that your social game began to suffer? If not, why do you feel you are being perceived as having dropped off socially?

You were very loud in this game. What's something that you did quietly that you feel particularly good about?

All-in-all, really liked you as a player in this game. Let's see what happens at tribal!


Hey Kim! I gotta say, learning what I have in Ponderosa, I really should have pushed for your name at that first merge vote. Turns out Ryan was being truthful! Maybe people would have been more receptive to it. I made the mistake of trusting you, though. We had built a bond and I wanted to believe you over Ryan. Wanted to work with you and see where it went. You, Christina, and Julie really were the people I was most looking forward to playing the game with at that moment. I wanted to trust Ryan and work with him, but I couldn't be sure at that point since we hadn't yet been tested.
It was a good move and I can't fault you for it. You played a strong game and you put in your own level of work.
On one hand, you're only sitting here because Cole misunderstood a rule (and a little bit because the F4 had the respect to go to a challenge and Ryan slipped up). On the other hand, you're sitting here because Cole misunderstood a rule and then you capitalized on that afterward to get out of the hole you may have been in.

What do you think was your best move post Cole leaving that enabled you to turn your game around and get the target off of your back?

In tribal councils, we saw what seemed to be a slow deterioration of the relationship between you and Christina. There was a time where I would have thought of you two as close allies. Were you ever really allied with Christina? Were Christina's words in tribal more a big show and rang false from your perspective? I really want some more detail about this dynamic. Whether you did ultimately turn on her and "stab her in the back" or if Christina had it wrong for a long period of time.


You were a fun player in this game, particularly from a personality standpoint. I missed that being in Ponderosa as your good humor and wit really only came out in chat. You certainly stayed relatively quiet during tribal (for many reasons of which you've outlined).
I didn't really get to know you too well or talk to you a whole lot and I feel that was a shame, but it's how it went.
You played a quiet, sneaky game. Sitting by and observing. Respectable in its own right, but it can be harder to follow since it isn't as visible.
What vote are you most happy/proud about (proud isn't the best word, but I'm going with it) and what role did you play in it?
Is there anyone you would have preferred to have kept in the game longer?

These are some questions for everyone:

What do you think was your worst move and why?
How great of an impact do you think voting me out first had on your game? (I've said I would have voted for myself but I didn't see myself as 'that' big a threat yet. I've heard some good points toward this vote in Ponderosa, too. So I want to see how you all saw it)
If you had to pick one adventure time gif to represent yourself for this final council, what would it be?
What vote was the hardest for you, if any?

Really want to say, this has been an awesome game. I've really enjoyed getting to know all of these people here and you three.
This final tribal is going to be a blast.

And to all of you:

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~*Christina's Response to Jonas*~


All-in-all, I really enjoyed your game. I am sad that I wasn't able to play alongside you for longer, though. Above all else, I was really looking forward to the merge to work with both you and Kim once again.... but....

I really enjoyed playing this game with you, Jonas. I hope it didn’t come across that I did not enjoy you. I preferred you at times over Leif/Kim and then went back and forth in my confessional. I think the turning point was right before the swap when new matt came into the game. Julie asked me to be in an alliance with you/her, and then we swapped. My entire thought base was going crazy after that point. As much as we all liked Julie, I know Leif/Kim talked to me about how she would have to go eventually. If you didn’t feel that same way, it was going to be hard for you/me long term. So, cut to the merge game when we met up again, I kind of pushed you in with Julie. I am sorry if that was wrong and I really had no issue with you personally. You were a great person to talk with and I loved your gifs and personality in this game that differed from everyone else.

Is it an accurate assessment that your social game began to suffer? If not, why do you feel you are being perceived as having dropped off socially?

I think it was perceived in this way after the Ali vote off. I was still around in instant messages, but nobody wanted to work with me. Nobody trusted what I was saying to the extent that they may have rounds earlier. I didn’t have as much clout with influence due to them writing me off as a challenge threat. I would use instant messages to plant doubts into people as much as I could, leading to the live challenges and tribal councils where I would then openly exploit gameplay and alliances. I think the amount of socializing that was strategy decreased as merge went on due to my inability to trust people, and their inability to trust me. I have played many ORGs, and never had I run into this side of things. I love socializing and manipulating 1:1 but the challenge wins really scared people in this game. It really made it harder to do that and led to people perceiving me in this way after the Ali boot.

What's something that you did quietly that you feel particularly good about?

I liked the amount of bond I had with Ali before merge. The ability to have an idol in my pocket but be respected by Matt/Ali on that green tribe. I was safe enough to not use the idol and had an enough of a bond and respect with Ali to openly discuss booting Matt over Michael at another pre-merge tribal council. It isn’t the greatest thing to be “proud” of but my biggest proud moments were things that I did loudly. My biggest moves were loud, because it was the way I had to play post-Ali’s elimination.
Another quiet moment was during the Chrissy boot. I talked a ton with Cole about the game around this time. I was trying to bond with him, due to Simone/Kim loving him and wanting to work with him and Patrick. With that conversation, it started the Chrissy boot in my eyes. I talked to him, and then we both started talking with Simone/Kim/Matt/Ali, etc to see Chrissy leave for her jumping around a bit socially/strategically. I saw Julie as a potential ally if she was able to merge into the “middle” people of Ali/Matt/Roark more, and Chrissy leaving was a benefit to my game. I wouldn’t be able to take sole credit for her elimination, but I think putting that name out there with Cole and talking to others, was a quieter play of mine that helped with her elimination.

All-in-all, really liked you as a player in this game. Let's see what happens at tribal!

Thanks, so much Jonas! I honestly had so much fun in this ORG, because I have never been someone to win this many challenge before and must play such a loud/in your face game.

What do you think was your worst move and why?
I think my worst move was not throwing the challenges when we entered the merge. I think I didn’t realize the influence that was going to have on my own game. It was going to shape the way everyone viewed me and make my allies turn on me faster than I anticipated. If I would have thrown the first three merge challenges, I may have been able to play more of a quieter game then I did.

How great of an impact do you think voting me out first had on your game? (I've said I would have voted for myself but I didn't see myself as 'that' big a threat yet. I've heard some good points toward this vote in Ponderosa, too. So I want to see how you all saw it)

It forced me to work with Simone/Kim/Ali/Matt and kind of put more eggs in that one basket then I had anticipated. I know I said it previously, but I was trying to play a middle game. I didn’t want to be roped into the Jonas/Julie original tribe situation. Therefore, taking you out was avoiding that from happening. I think with your elimination though, it forced me to work with an alliance that I didn’t realize was so tight. I didn’t realize Simone was so tight with Cole/Patrick, I didn’t realize that Kim was closer to Simone and friends then myself. I didn’t realize Leif was going to disappear (someone I was banking on working the middle with Ali/Matt/Kim, me).
If you stayed in the game longer, I may not have won that third immunity challenge and the challenge threatage may also have lessened on me and led me to play that quieter game then was my ideal when joining this game. Great question.

If you had to pick one adventure time gif to represent yourself for this final council, what would it be?


I love the lumpy space princess, so I had to pick a gif with her. I think I am trying to show my best assets and strengths, my lumps are better then Simone’s and Kim’s. I am trying to show this to the jury with every answer! You cannot resist these lumps

What vote was the hardest for you, if any?

The hardest vote was the Final 6 for me. I had my vote on Simone until the very last minute when I swapped to Matt and then idol’ed Simone.
I was so fed up with trying to work with Kim/Simone and then Simone not being around or giving me a clear answer of her voting for Roark or Matt. So, my vote was on her, annoyed and displeased. However, I swapped to Matt because of the hope that even though she wasn’t around—that they still did want to work with me.
I also think it was a turning point of did I want to work with Matt/Roark and trust them or did I want to work with Kim/Simone and trust them. Who, if any, were really wanting to work with me in the game? I heard more backlash that Matt was trying to get me out for the future. I was hurt by this because of our long journey together.
I feel like Matt/My journey was interesting, because it started with trust. Then he went to the tribunal thing with others to possibly get idol clues. He came back, and Ali/I were shaded by him. So, then we wanted him out. Then merge hit, and we felt like we might need him, and weren’t as sketched out. Then I lost Ali and thought that my only ally might be Matt? Then I hear all these things about Matt wanting me out. It was just so up and down. I didn’t know if I had the heart to vote him when it came down to it, and ended up doing it, with hope, that Kim/Simone wanted a badass finish to the game. They didn’t, but that was my move at the point of finding out nobody, still, wanted to work with me because of the challenge wins and the idol.
It was also a hard decision to play the idol on someone else versus myself, when I was not immune during this Final 6 tribal council. I was vulnerable and could have been voted out.
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By Kim
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Honestly, after Cole left, I don't believe that the target was ever fully off my back. From every vote past the Final 8, people were scared of me and brought up my name as the person to vote for. At that point in the game, I knew it was too late to worry about downplaying my threat status and more about doing what it took to ensure I was not the target for THAT specific round. My strategy turned into a take it one vote at a time rather than looking ahead to the end.

My best move post Cole leaving was voting out Patrick. After going throught the final 8 tribal, I knew I was definitely going to be next on the hitlist for people to go home. Simone, Patrick, and I were seen as a tight trio and I knew that the perception of us as a trio was going to stay vivid in everyone's minds if I didn't do something to distance myself from it. After Cole left, I publically made it clear that my vote was now open for the taking and I was ready to do what I had to do in order to stay.

My goal at the Final 7 vote was to do whatever it took for my vote to be in the majority going forward. I knew that Matt/Roark were gunning for me from that round so I knew if I wanted to have a chance at working with either of them again, I had to make a move. Going into the Final 7 tribal, I honestly did not know who I was going to vote out. On one hand, I wanted to go to the end with Patrick because I had made such a genuine connection with him and we had been loyal to each other for so long. However, on the other hand, I realized that if I voted out Patrick, I would no longer be lumped into this power trio, Matt would be grateful to me for saving him, and Ryan would feel a lot more secure going forward since he wouldn't have to worry about me being closer to Patrick than I was to him. Ultimately, it came down to what move would allow me to get myself to the end of the game. I mentioned in my opening statement about how I wanted options and voting Patrick out was the best way to ensure I had these options going forward where I could work with people outside of Simone/Patrick and be seen as an individual rather than a group.

Honestly, Christina was probably my closest ally on original Natyaya. Her and I just clicked so well and our minds ran on the same wavelengths. On original Natyaya, I wanted an alliance between myself, you, her, Leif and Julie. I really was planning on working with Christina throughout the game especially given we knew she had an idol and I wanted to be on the right side of the vote when it came down to that idol being played.

My relationship with Christina changed a lot over the course of the swap to the mid-merge. Obviously, we got separated and we both made new connections. My goal was to reunite with original Natyaya come the merge and utilize the new relationships we had to move ourselves forward in the game. However, when I attended the tribunal and the first thing Ali said to me was "Christina wants to know wtf happened that Kat got voted out over Bill the inactive," I started to become wary of just how power-hungry Christina was. One move I made in the pre-merge was becoming tight with Bill. Everyone talks about how he was so inactive and never talked to anyone, but I talked to him more than some of the people who were saying that. The social game is a two way street and if you don't make the effort to get to know someone, you can't blame them for doing the same. Beyond that, the fact that Christina was trying to play my game and tell me who I should have sent home did not ring well with me. When we hit the merge, I quickly became aware of how tight she was with Matt and Ali and that scared me. The fact that she would talk to me about them as a sidenote (Ali would just vote whoever she told her and Matt was a loser who had no one else) made me wonder what she was saying to other people about me. I think that my relationship with Christina deteriorated after seeing how she interacted with me about other people in the game. I lost my trust that she really wanted to work with me and I acted on it. Now just because I didn't want her as a close ally did not mean I wasn't open to voting the same way as her. I sided with her on the Patrick vote for one. Seeing her turn on Matt so quickly near the end of the merge like he wasn't valuable to her made me realize I could not work with someone who was so sure of themselves in voting out their close allies. I had no faith that she would have not voted me out had she had the chance. I don't think Christina was entirely at fault for saying the things she said, but it was easy for her to tell people "Wow you backstabbed me I can't believe you" when she was never liable to go home with her immunity wins.

What do you think was your worst move and why?
I believe my worst move was voting out Ali over Christina. People were itching to vote Christina that round and I do believe if I had pushed hard enough for it, she could have went home. I had nothing against Ali whatsoever and I think that I could have moved forward with her in the game. We got along well and the only thing holding us back from becoming tighter was Christina. I honestly never distrusted Ali and my biggest mistake was voting her out to weaken her ally instead of voting the ally out herself.

How great of an impact do you think voting me out first had on your game? (I've said I would have voted for myself but I didn't see myself as 'that' big a threat yet. I've heard some good points toward this vote in Ponderosa, too. So I want to see how you all saw it)
Honestly, I think voting you out first had a huge impact on the rest of the game. You were definitely one of the main influencers of the game and the glue holding people together. At the tribunal, you told me that you had an alliance with Leif, Ryan, and Chrissy and that Julie was going to be on the chopping block had you went to tribal. Come the merge, there were definitely groups forming between Patrick/Cole/Simone/Christina/Ali vs. yourself/Chrissy/Ryan/Julie/Leif. The fact that you were able to bring Julie and Leif together with Chrissy and Ryan even though they had very previously wanted Julie out made me certain you were a huge and inimitable part of that group. I had strong allies on both sides and I did not want to have to choose between allies and isolate myself from one entire group of people. The former group discussed taking you out and at first I was not entirely on board with it since I was afraid Roark/Matt would swing to your side. However, I talked to Chrissy and out of nowhere she brings up getting rid of you and I ran with it. I did not want any big alliances/groups forming and with you here, I was afraid that would happen. With the latter group turning on each other, I did not have to pick a group of people to side with which was exactly what I wanted to happen. I wanted to play the middle until I was able to determine who I was closer to and felt I could go further in the game with (which ended up being Simone/Patrick/Cole). With you going home the first merge vote, it set the tone of getting out big threats. I honestly believe if you had not been voted out that round, the game would have turned out very differently.

If you had to pick one adventure time gif to represent yourself for this final council, what would it be?


What vote was the hardest for you, if any?
The hardest vote for me was hands down Patrick. Usually I go into tribal knowing exactly what I want to do and I don't really change my mind during tribal; however, my personal connection with Patrick was just so strong and we got along so well. I honestly wanted to go to the end with him. This was one of the moments where I had to separate my personal feelings from the game. At the end of the day, even if I wanted to go to the end with him, I did not have faith I would have been able to make it to the end if I hadn't voted him out (obviously this is all hindsight considering Simone ended up voting him as well and he would have went home regardless, but at the time, I felt all the pressure was on me). It was easily the most difficult decision I had to personally make in this entire game.
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By Simone
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I feel like I've talked about it to death but for sure the F6 vote. After that tribal council Kim had just defaulted into "Well, I guess we'll take Christina up on her F3 offer and hope she loses along the way". I knew full well that no matter what when it got down to the F4, Kim was going to be Christina's target no matter what deal she promised her which was annoying because I was like, we've worked this hard to get to this point, there's no point in just riding out the game now and "hoping for the best" I was like, we can still be against Christina and make our own moves. Christina wanted to vote out Ryan or Matt at the next tribal council and Kim was leaning towards Ryan and I was like well... we could vote out Roark instead to stick it to her and tell her that just because we're in a semi-shitty position right now... doesn't mean we have to listen to what she wants just because she's going to be immune wether it be idol or individual immunity. Then I told her that Ryan had the extra vote so we would have a majority no matter what. Christina had said to me that if she won individual immunity that she would play the idol on Kim and then tie it so I become immune on rocks. I was like... lol no... I'm not relying on Christina tying the vote in order to save me which is why I was like we'll vote with Ryan in order to be in full control of who is going home. Turns out Christina had a brain snap anyway and decided to switch it up and get votes on me instead and then cause a 3-2-1 but the fact of the matter is that Roark wouldn't have left that round if I didn't do the work in order to bring Ryan and Kim together not only to keep myself safe but to make sure we had control of exactly who was leaving.

I would have liked to keep Julie in the game longer. Julie by far had the hardest time in this game from the very beginning. Coming in and being the wife of the host and having that be public knowledge immediately put a target on her back from day one and a lot of people were hesitant to work with her super closely. I think that in the merge there still would have been a chance to create a strong bond with her. I did spend some time chatting with her and getting to know her and we got along amazingly well and I would have loved to have expanded on that and possibly created something a lot more stealth and concrete. Altho it would have been hard to be stealth with Julie because she's not going to take shit from anyone. <3 I'm sure she would have just been another person who overshadowed me in the edgic department of the show lmao. I defiantly would have liked to extend the olive branch a little more and see what could have happened. I don't know how much further it could have gone considering she was such a desirable target but it would have been fun. I did of course have my own hesitations about completely opening up to her because all she would have to do is flip it back on me and get a leg up in the game.

What do you think was your worst move and why?

My worst move? Up until this point I feel like I made all the right moves to get myself here and I was never out of the loop in any of them besides Cole, but if Kim wins then that might be the worst move I leave the game with. I was never afraid to go up against Kim like some of the others. Sure, she's a strong player but I also knew that I was standing on my own two feet and I was in the middle of it all a lot of the time with strong alliances and connections. I knew that given how everyone perceived her she would have that edge over me going into this which is why I knew I would have to bring all the ammunition I had and show that ya'll been sleeping on Simone. It's like... Kim is a model and she shows up for the photoshoot takes some photos and leaves and I was her manager behind the scenes booking all her appointments, making all the plans and then gritting my teeth because no one was noticing all the hard work I was putting in. No one realised how tight I was with Cole and Patrick. On first swap tribe, I actually used the ranking of the tribe as a way to throw shade on Cole and Patrick that they were tight and that I was under valued and that this swap is opening new opportunities and I wanted to get close to her and it worked to my benefit because she bought it. Meanwhile I was never in any danger, she was because the three of us were ready to blindside her on the basis she might have an idol. But I also had the option to work with her if I wanted to and the entire game she never suspected how close I actually was with them and that initial bluff turned into a relationship to benefit me through this game. But back to the point, that would be the worst move I leave with lmao.

How great of an impact do you think voting me out first had on your game? (I've said I would have voted for myself but I didn't see myself as 'that' big a threat yet. I've heard some good points toward this vote in Ponderosa, too. So I want to see how you all saw it)

Voting you out as early as possible was the best move for me. We had only just met at the merge and I had heard rumours from all the cross tribal swaps that a lot of people liked you and that you would have a lot of control. I started the foundations of a relationship with you in case we would happen to spend much longer in the game and almost instantly I saw exactly what people were talking about. You were charismatic and intelligent and just an all round nice guy. My first thought was omg he's amazing, he has to go lmao. Chrissy had told me she liked you a lot and that was the first flag that worried me because from my side, if I wasn't willing to turn on Kim or Christina or any of the others I had met along the way to the merge, what were the chances the people you met who I used to know would turn on you also? I think if someone who I felt close to had left in that first vote, I would have been in an entirely situation moving forward because I totally believe you would be here and I wouldn't. Those first few votes were all people who I had no connection with or hadn't seen since the start of the game, so eliminating those up in the air voters who could have posed a threat like yourself and then Chrissy, Ali and Julie was completely crucial to myself getting here.

If you had to pick one adventure time gif to represent yourself for this final council, what would it be?


What vote was the hardest for you, if any?

Patrick was by far the hardest vote for me on a personal level because from day one we just instantly hit it off and we had been through so much together. Patrick was just a powerhouse in the end and he marched to the beat of his own drum. In that tribal and trusting my gut I decided to switch the vote onto him because like I said, he was a player that marched to the beat of his own drum and moving forward he would have stuck to his guns and wanted whoever he wanted out and it would have been hard to make him see anything else than whoever he wanted to eliminate. By that point he was gaining momentum round after round. Ryan could have told me he was voting Matt all he wanted but after the round before it was so confusing during that window because everyone was like "BUT IS HE REALLY?". I had to make a split decision then and there and I went with my gut and it turns out, Kim did the exact same thing. I don't know if that makes us cycle sisters because the last we spoke we both agreed to stick with Matt and I was dreading having to explain to her why I voted out Patrick.

Thanks Jonas!
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