Oh Cole, how I've missed you
Our relationship in this game is something I always had trouble understanding. I always knew you had a closer game relationship with Patrick and Simone, but at the same time, we were such a dynamic duo who could throw ideas off of each other and you were always there to alert me if someone was coming after me. Honestly, that's why I was so shocked when you made the revelation you wanted to flip. In hindsight, I understand you gotta do what you gotta do for your game, but I think I was just so caught aback because I would have went to rocks for you at that point in time.
One subtle move I am very proud of was at the Bill vote. First off, I knew that coming into the merge, people might be quick to try and vote out Roark due to an unfair twist and her not deserving to be here. I thought that was an insignificant reason to get rid of someone who I personally might get along with and could work with in the future. After talking with Roark, I realized she was someone I did not want to go home come the merge. Then, at the Bill vote, she chooses to give immunity to me over Simone. I strategically knew that Roark would be important since Jeff specifically said "I advise you to get to know her." Obviously, the connection we created was natural, but it was also a faceted part of moving my game forward.
At the beginning of the merge, I knew that she would become a swing vote and I wanted to play that position with her and have the option to go different ways with her knowing we'd have more power as a duo. However, as the game advanced, I determined that it was a strategic advantage to settle down with the people I felt loyal to and felt would be loyal to me and based on what people had told me, I did not feel comfortable Roark would have went the distance with me. Moreover, I found that person in Simone. Honestly, Simone probably should have gotten rid of me at the Final 4, but unlike Roark, I correctly deciphered that Simone was someone who wouldn't turn her back on me and would be a reliable ally that would take me to the end if I lost the final challenge (which is exactly what happened). I strategically picked who I genuinely trusted based on who I thought would be loyal to me and as soon as I felt that loyalty questioned, I made sure I had other options in case things went south. I found people who would stick by me through thick and thin which is not something that can be said for Christina.
Going back to the Bill vote, I had learned that you and Chrissy had a big disagreement/'fight' on the swapped Bambarun tribe where Chrissy apparently told you she would vote out Julie and then went behind your back and ratted you out to everyone else. I had no idea how true all of this was, but I knew that the beginning merge votes are always the craziest and I wanted the spotlight to be off of me as much as physically possible going into the merge. At the vote, it was 100% obvious Bill was going home so I decided to plant a little seed and watch it grow. I was the 'hinky' vote for you that round, not Chrissy. However, I knew that you would never expect it was me and would automatically go at Chrissy and further put attention on the two of you and take it away from me. In addition to this, I had talked with Julie and she felt betrayed and extremely upset with how you treated her. Again, I had no idea how true or significant it all was, but I knew at the time, I wanted Julie by my side and by being the only other person to vote you with her would show her that I was with her and she could trust me. I strategically threw my vote away in order to gain Julie's trust and fuel the fire that was burning between you and Chrissy knowing that it would have no effect on my relationship with you and I could continue moving forward in the game with you. My biggest regret is not riding the Julie wave longer. The longer she would have stayed in the game, the bigger her target would get and the more scared people would become of her.
I think I deserve to win over Simone and Christina because at some point in this game, everyone on the jury trusted me to be with them to some extent. I was able to strategically place myself in a position where I would not go home or at least have a chance of staying (you turning on me during the final 8 was the only time I was genuinely surprised so major props to you). Also, multiple times when I went against someone in a vote, I was able to do damage control and get them to trust me/work with me again. When I betrayed Julie at the Jonas vote, I was able to explain my reasoning and reassure her I was with her and then worked with her at the next vote. When Ryan came after me at the Jonas vote since he didn't want to vote Jonas, I was able to regain his trust back and assure him I was with him going forward to the point where even though I was who the opposing side was going to target at the Jonas vote, I diverted all the votes off of me onto Roark in case Jonas played an idol. I was actively ensuring my safety and maintaining my relationships so that I could strategically vote with who I wanted and not worry about people not trusting me afterwards. Also, I was a part of a group chat with Roark, myself, you, and Patrick that Simone nor Christina were a part of showing the extent of my social game that Roark trusted me more than Simone and Christina at the time. Back to the damage control, going into the Final 6 vote, Simone, Ryan, and I were always planning on voting for Roark because Ryan had the extra vote (of which I knew about before Ryan even told me). However, after the vote, I got Christina to believe that I only voted Roark because I thought she was coming at Simone at tribal. I acted dumb so that she still thought I was with her in case I was at danger of going home at the Final 5. In addition, Simone made a mistake by telling Christina about Ryan's extra vote after the Final 6 vote. I used this as an opportunity to strengthen my relationship with Ryan by telling him about it in order to gain his trust. I believe my strategic game showed primarily in my ability to be open and willing to work with my enemies. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I was flexible and I was able to use my social game to give me strategic options that Christina and Simone did not have.