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Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:04:08 pm
by Simone
So sexual…

So seductive…




Have you ever seen anything more perfect? A frumpy Asian dumpling on a Fijian island. This is also the best GIF I could find of myself and if I win the money tonight, I will invest it in flooding GIPHY with every frame I’m in during my entire 6 days on Survivor. When they do a “WHERE ARE THEY NOW” special on this cast, I’m most likely going to be shoeless and addicted to meth because chances are I’ll be unemployed after next week. I’ll be on Dr Phil with my ugly cry face talking about how this game RUINED my life and my ability to hold a part-time job. If you want to contact me after the game, you can find me on an escort website under the name Si-MOAN™.

My situation wasn’t ideal, I think everyone knew that and I explained that. I knew coming into the game I’d have to focus more on the social aspect rather than the 2 hours required to show up, puff your tits out and scream at everyone until your tonsils exploded. I was a stealthy UTR strategist and the social bonds I made with people and gaining their trust was my greatest asset in this game. I’m sure my mosquito bite boobs helped also -pushes up bra-. I was easily the most vulnerable person in this merge cast given my situation. I wasn’t able to compete for immunity 90% of the time which left me wide open for elimination at any time.

The pre-merge as we all know was a semi-erect graveyard. It is however where I formed my greatest bonds in this game. Cole and Patrick on Bambarun and then at the first swap, Kim. Cole and I instantly gravitated towards each other first and formed an alliance and then Patrick and I struck up a strong friendship and the three of us came together and stayed together at the first tribe pick. At the first swap I met Kim and I decided this was a good opportunity to form something one on one with her as a cross tribe connection. This wasn’t always roses and sparkles. There was a lot of paranoia on this tribe. I created the narrative using our tribe ranking that I was with Kim to make her feel secure while there was also a plan to blindside her before Bill because of suspicion she had found the idol. It was actually a mess, so I’m surprised we got as cohesive as we did. lmao.

Creating a side

Coming into the merge it was a public relations disaster for people I considered allies. Julie and Cole had just come off their pay per view fight and now he had merge boot written all over him. I knew this was a good time to make new friends and also reconnect with old ones. Chrissy and I caught back up and had some girl talk she had told me that she trusted Jonas a lot. We all know we considered Jonas somewhat of a threat and the suspicion was he had the idol. I used this entire weekend to plant little seeds to the people I wanted to work with like “Jonas is the glue holding certain people together, if we take out Jonas we can slowly take control of the game because the others will scatter.” The people I wanted to work with was Christina/Ali/Kim/Patrick/Cole and myself which was a mixture of the swap tribes I had been on. I don’t necessarily think there were solid sides at this point but creating the illusion there was helped. I know a big sell at that point in the game for voting Jonas was to weaken Julie. A lot of people had a part in this first vote, but I was pushing hard that Jonas was the glue holding people together and it worked to create the side I wanted to work with.

The next vote was Chrissy, and this was a tricky one because it happened so fast. A few of us had spoken about voting out Chrissy and Cole was cemented in it because of how she backstabbed him. It was close to the deadline and there were people who weren’t willing to do it. I said to Ali and Matt if they would vote Chrissy because I’d vote her. Christina and I had been talking about voting Chrissy and she had told me that Ali and Matt were against it but after I asked they had changed their minds. I believe her words were “OMG they changed their minds, you have PULL Simone”

Right after this vote, I had several people telling me that Christina and Ali were going around telling everyone that I organised the Chrissy vote and that it was all my idea. This is when my trust in Ali/Christina went downhill and Christina’s idol started to become more of a factor. All of us like Bambi on ice trying to play around that thing. I caught Ali in REAL TIME leaking things to Ryan. Ryan was telling me ev-er-y-thing Ali was telling him, so I decided to test her while we were all online. I told Ali that I wanted a F4 of Christina/Kim and her and it took her about .5 seconds to tell Ryan and then for Ryan to tell me. This is when I knew I had to get her out and that I couldn’t trust her moving forward.

After Cole left… voting out Patrick was the hardest move I had to make on a personal level in this game. Kim and I’s last conversation was to vote Matt with Patrick and Ryan. Once we got to tribal council and the way Ryan had been acting, I was unsure if he would really vote Matt, so I voted for Patrick to blend in with the vote. Turns out we both had that gut feeling and we both decided to make that split decision at the last moment.

Ryan’s Extra Vote

Leading into the F6, Ryan at this point had no solid allies left but I still maintained a solid relationship with him throughout the merge. Cole had told Patrick and I at F9 that Ryan had an extra vote and Patrick and I had kept it under wraps. Oh, btw thanks for telling us about that Cole and not your idol you knuckle head. <3 He was emotional about Roark and Matt selling him out at the tribal before which was the perfect opportunity to make sure he wasn’t going to vote Kim or me. He told me officially about his extra vote and I put on my best shocked pageant face:


WHAT?! An extra vote?!

Kim and I were debating what to do next, so I told her that Ryan had the extra vote. I said we could get him to vote Roark with us and play the extra vote to avoid a tie. Ryan was hesitant in telling Kim about the extra, but I told him that in order to ~convince~ her to vote Roark with us is to tell her closer to the vote about his extra vote so she can’t tell anyone. I eventually pushed Ryan into telling Kim himself officially that he had it. Kim put on her best pageant face as well and we secured the vote. Ryan didn’t end up using the extra vote because Christina tried to pull some whack ass shit to make it look like she had game where she’d get the votes on me and then save me with her idol and vote out Matt which allowed our three votes to be enough regardless. This is one of the main moments as an example of how I was using the trust I had gained from people to my advantage and the stealthy UTR game I was playing. Especially when Ryan was a known swing voter and gaining and keeping his trust.

I’m looking forward to addressing you all one on one. I’ve given you my perception so I’m looking forward to hearing yours and expanding on any questions you have to ask. I played a very behind the scenes game and it wasn’t as public as a lot of other people and that was due to me not being able to make a lot of live events. I know I didn’t sit on my ass and do nothing, I just had to take a different approach and that approach was the social aspect of the game and creating as much trust as I could to keep me safe and using that trust to make the necessary moves. Sure, I could have unnecessarily yelled at people but no one ever came for me or gave me a reason to get psycho and I think that speaks volumes to the social game I was playing.

This game has been wild. You all need to be studied. I don’t know what mental institution Jeff found most of you in. The scarier thing is he is MARRIED one of you. Oh well, I guess I am all for diversity after all.
