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Episode 14

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:51:44 pm
by Flicka Flame
Can you believe it? YOU. ARE. IN. THE. FINAL. SIX. Only 5 people stand in your way and that's pretty good considering you've outlasted 14 so far.

That was certainly a very... informative tribal council for everyone left in the game, the jury and the hosts. Do you feel like you are in a better or worse position after that show?

What is the worst case scenario for you in the upcoming round? What is the best case scenario?

That jury is filling up fast and there are now 6 players and 6 jury members. (Don't know what da fuck happened to Leif.) Before you know it, that jury will be filled and we will have our finalists. Give me a quick rundown. Gimme your ideal boot order and if it has changed, final 3.

I ask a lot, but it changes quickly, so whatcha think your odds are of winning? What about getting to the end?

With the vote being 5-2, is it easy pickin's now or this late in the game it doesn't really mean shit?

Are you in the mindset of taking people you know you can beat to the end or taking people you feel deserve to be there? Maybe a rare combination of both?

That's all I got this time for ya. Keep your eyes on the prize and do what all of the jury members couldn't do and make it to the end win that non-existent million dollar prize and title of "Winner of Stranded in Sri Lanka"! You've fought too hard and too long to fuck up now!

Re: Episode 14

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:34:27 pm
by Roark
I honestly have no idea where I stand after that shit show of a tribal. I felt decent going in and decent going out but in different ways which is weird. At first I thought Pat was being genuine when I came into the game but he quickly became fake and obviously thought I was dumb. I'm glad he's gone because he clearly wasn't my biggest fan. Ryan was growing on me, despite throwing me under the bus, but then he lost it so that showed me to definitely not trust him going forward. Christina is still a good option to work with, just not long term because she has an amazing resume. Simone is mysterious as always and I always feel like she's being a double agent for Kim, who also doesn't seem to be my biggest fan. She is nice to me privately but always tries to bash me publicly which is the definition of fake. I haven't gotten into it with her yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I did. Finally, there's Matt who is the only person I kinda trust. I don't think I could beat him, but more so than Kim or Christina.
As far as challenges, I really need to try a little harder haha. I'm still kinda getting used to the format and somethings relate to before I was put in the game, but having the security of immunity would be so nice. Personally, I'd like to see Kim go, then Christina, then Simone, and I'd sit with Ryan and Matt. No one will vote Ryan so I would just have to battle it out with Matt. I would mind seeing him win if it wasn't me.