By Flicka Flame
Congratulations!!! YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE MERGE!!! icon_mml Be proud; it's a huge accomplishment. You've earned your spot here.

Let's get right into it!

13 people is a lot, now that you are all one tribe what's the plan on making sure you're in the majority?

Who is your ideal person to be voted out next?

Do you think the whole Cole vs. Julie craziness will have an impact on the first vote?

There was a lot of talk at the last tribal council about voting out inactive people over active people. Is this still the case or does it change now that the merge has come?

Does your gameplan change at all now that it's an individual game?

You know what? Why don't you give me some type of rundown of what you think of everyone left in the game? Who you think is with you or against you, who you want to work with, who you want to work against, who you like, who you hate, etc.

Also, feel free to air ANY AND ALL of your game thoughts here. (It surprisingly helps.)
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By Ryan
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MERGE TIME!!! icon_mml

13 people, 13 different games, 1 novel headed real hot your way.

There is so much intertwining right now, it's crazy. My goal this vote is to TRY to make it into the majority, but more than that, I just don't want to go home. To not go home I need to have information coming my way so I can know when I need to play an idol. So right now yea I'm trying to set up alliances with pretty much everyone so I can at least be in the loop with someone somehow. I need a majority of this tribe to be able to tell me if my name comes up or if the votes are changing, anything. Give me the goods!

I don't know who I want to vote out next, I'm sure it'll change a bunch over the weekend. Christina is still a threat on my radar. Julie I don't trust. Cole probably hates me and is just really stubborn. Kim is probably really good at this game and has everyone wrapped around her finger. I don't know, so many potential victims. I'll probably let the targets develop and pick the direction I want to go once I know I'm not being voted out.

That whole situation at tribal is exactly what I wanted honestly. I want people to be fighting and making noise so I can hide underneath the curtains. Honestly the argument made both Julie and Cole look shady and I've lost a lot of trust with Julie (if I had any). Some folks might want to use it as subterfuge though and pull the ol' switcheroo on the one and only Ryan. I'd be content with either of those two going right now, but I doubt Julie will.

I think everyone left is active. The talkative, fun people all made it to the merge so now the punches are gonna start being thrown. No one is safe.

My game plan is always changing and I've always felt like it was an individual game, so in that sense it's not much different. As much as I preach "this is best for us", I'm looking out for myself.

Let's run down all these fools:

Chrissy - My closest ally at this point. She seems to fully share her game with me which is something I'm so happy to have. She's also someone that I need with me if I want to keep the Jonas/Leif alliance goin. On top of all that, it's so early to say, but I feel like I could beat her in the end. I like her a lot icon_smile

Jonas - I was really scared of Jonas at first, but as the days have gone by I see him as less of a threat. He seems to be playing an honest game and I think I can trust him. He is a key part of my plan to be fed information, I don't want him leaving just yet. Personally I like Jonas a lot and we have a lot of similar interests. I'm looking forward to playing xbox with him after all of this is over icon_mml

Leif - I feel like I can somewhat trust Leif as well. I think he is all in on our Core 4 alliance, but, like Jonas, I don't know how close he is to Christina and Kim and if he values them more than me. For now, I feel like he'd rather have other people gone than me.

Julie - I really don't know if I can trust her, seems kinda fake to me. She never shared with me that she wanted Cole out, yet she's been preaching this 5 person alliance. I trust that she wants me to trust her, which likely means she wants me on her side for at least a little while. I think I could use her too, but would not be upset if she was the merge boot.

Patrick - I think Patrick trusts me more than most of these people, which is awesome to have on my side. I'd be down to work a long while in this game together, however I'm not sure it will work out. Chrissy and Ali don't really trust Patrick or Cole, so unfortunately I may need to drop him. I don't want to yet though, I like him.

Cole - He probably hates me right now icon_lol He thinks I'm dumb for letting Julie live. Cole is the most stubborn person I've met out here and that is someone I absolutely do not want to work with. Chrissy and Ali don't trust him so I'd predict him being the first boot (probably not best situation for me cause I want an original Natyaya to go, but oh well). I like the dude though, when he's not playing Survivor icon_lol

Simone - Simone is hilarious icon_lol She's awesome to talk to about how crazy all of these fools are. I feel like she trusts me and I have her in my back pocket for now. Looking into the crystal ball that tells my future, I see her being a number that helps get out Christina or Kim.

Roark - Okay for real I think this is Roark Roark. Like the actual Roark. She's a student councilor, ain't that what Roark Roark does? And she likes wine, Roark Roark probably likes wine icon_lol I think you wanted Roark Roark in the game so bad that you gave her IMMUNITY until the merge, which btw I was not shocked when she had to gift immunity to people, you best believe I was up her wagon right away. It reminded me of BBPaul and his friendship bracelets. It's Roark Roark, I'm convinced icon_lol I need to get to know her more. I think I can get her on my side, but she's a wild card right now.

Ali - I was worried she didn't want to work with me anymore, but she's been so talkative with me and it makes me happy icon_smile I hope I can trust her cause she seems like another person that I could go really far with, and play both sides with. She's already shared a bunch of information with me, makes me want to trust her. Her, Chrissy, and I could make a good team. I know she's good at the game though, gotta be careful.

Matt - He said hello to me, but never really responded to me after that. Seems like he would be a nice guy, maybe a bit naive. I imagine he's with Christina and Kim and them, but I really don't know. I'm not sure if I want to play with him yet, I'll find out soon icon_confused

Kim - Such a nice person. We are headed down the same career path so we can relate to each other, and I feel like I had a really good conversation with her. I've mentioned to her I wanted to work with her, but honestly I just want to be in her good graces. She also appears to be tight with Jonas which can complicate things. She's someone I'd like out. If we started on the same tribe I think she could be my number one ally, but right now she appears to be on the other side of things, game wise icon_sad

Christina - Really does seem nice too. We have a lot of similar interests. Another person I wish I started out with, but right now she's a huge threat. She has an idol, friends with a bunch of other people. The difference between Christina and Kim is that Ali says she was close with Christina. That might be an avenue I could work. It'd be risky cause she's a power player right now with her idol, but if Ali trusts her and they want to want to make some waves, I'd be open to working with her. I'd be much more comfortable if she lost that idol though.

Overall, I want to work deep into this game with Ali, Chrissy, and Jonas. Ali has been telling me she doesn't trust Cole/Pat and that Ali and I are being rumored to be a power duo. That definitely scares me. I could very well be the first target right now. BUT I think it's good that Ali is close with Christina and Matt so she can gather information from that side and I can gather information from my 5 person alliance (me, Chrissy, Jonas, Leif, and Julie). Jonas mentioned he wanted us 5 to group up with Christina and Kim to take control. That honestly might be what happens this first vote, but I'd be crazy to go to final 7 with all of them. That ain't happenin. Maybe those 7 vote Cole this round, then I get together with Patrick and Ali and Chrissy and whoever else we can bring to strike against maybe Kim? Something along those lines is what I imagine happening. More so voting blocks than full blown alliances. It's gonna be a wild ride. BUCKLE UP icon_mml
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By Ryan
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HOLY CRAP Y'ALL - The game is on

I'm getting so pumped right now cause I've finally heard some concrete information on a potential target. Chrissy has brought up to me that she wants Jonas out cause he's a threat. Obviously I don't want Jonas gone cause I feel like I can trust him and he gives me so much information. SO, Chrissy wants Jonas gone, and apparently Roark and Kim are on board (I was shocked by Kim cause Jonas trusts her, but keep reading). I feel like Christina would follow Kim too, and Cole, Patrick, and Simone would follow suit.

So that's pretty much a majority that could vote Jonas out. NOW, I don't want Jonas to go. I feel like I have a possibility of changing the votes last minute and I will try...

MY PLAN: Not too long before tribal, I will tell Jonas and Leif that Kim brought up Jonas as a target. This will hopefully throw Jonas for a loop, make him upset, and I could convince him that we need to blindside someone that is trying to take a shot at our alliance, Kim. If Jonas and Leif get on board, I feel like I could convince Cole, Patrick, and Simone to take out a big threat like Kim. That's 6 votes right there, and maybe Julie or Matt would want to protect Jonas. I dunno, it'd be close, but I think there's a possibility of pulling it off.

How do I recover from a vote like this, after blindsiding Ali and Christina and Chrissy? I have another plan for that, but it's less of a priority. Stay Tuned.
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By Ryan
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I'm playing so hard right now icon_lol There is about a 40% chance this will all blow up in my face and I'll be sent packing. Go big or go home! icon_mml
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By Ryan
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Let's bump that up to about 95% icon_lol Gonna love to see my edit this episode
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By Ryan
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Ryan wrote:
Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:07:01 am

Overall, I want to work deep into this game with Ali, Chrissy, and Jonas.
Omg y'all I'm already looking back and I wanted to go deep with the first 3 merge boots icon_lol DEAD
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