By Jeff Probst
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Hey Ryan, you were so amazingly entertaining in this!!! I know you're going to get a walloping from the jury, but stay strong! You were a great character, weren't afraid to get your hands dirty and I think will make an excellent all-star some day :)

Do you have any regrets? Memories? What would you do differently if you were asked back? would you come back? Where do you think you went wrong? Who do you look forward to seeing again? Who are you rooting for/against?
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Jeff Probst

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By Ryan
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Thanks for the kind words!

I'm kinda upset I don't get more time to reflect and talk with the other jurors. I'm going straight into FTC. Do I regret anything. Hell yea! I regret pushing so hard to save Jonas. I should have known that it's extremely hard to blindside someone with 13 people in the game cause information leaks 100% of the time.

My favorite moments were getting that idol without ever winning a clue or going to a tribunal :D I used my social game to get the clues from other people and it paid off. That was awesome. I also loved blindsiding Christina at final 6 when she thought she knew what was going on. That was just pure happiness.

If I was fortunate enough to be asked back then I would share my opinions more with other people. I think a big thing that hurt my game was the fact that I would just say I agree with everyone, even if I didn't. I thought it would come off as me actually agreeing with people and making them feel like they could trust me more, but it only made others think I didn't know what was going on and I was just following other people. It negatively affected everyone's perception of me I think. With that being said, I would 100000000% come back to play anytime. I loved this experience and I felt like I learned a lot. I also now feel like I can be shit talked by anyone and be fine with it icon_lol

I look forward to talking with Jonas and Kim the most afterwards. I got along really well with them, and I have a bit of a crush on Kim so it'll be fun talking with them more icon_mml

I'm rooting against Christina. I don't respect the way she played cause she relied too heavily on tribal councils. I like seeing great social games and she did not have one. I'm gonna see how Kim/Simone handle tribal before I decide who to vote for. If someone is showing a completely lack of understanding for how a situation went down, but act like they know it all, I probably won't vote for them.

Thanks for inviting me to play! I seriously love this game and I loved this experience so much. I hope y'all enjoyed watching me play, and if y'all bring me back for another try I promise I'm going to do much better. I know these things are hard to manage, and you've done a swell job, Mr. Jeff!

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