By Flicka Flame
Can you believe it? YOU. ARE. IN. THE. FINAL. SIX. Only 5 people stand in your way and that's pretty good considering you've outlasted 14 so far.

That was certainly a very... informative tribal council for everyone left in the game, the jury and the hosts. Do you feel like you are in a better or worse position after that show?

What is the worst case scenario for you in the upcoming round? What is the best case scenario?

That jury is filling up fast and there are now 6 players and 6 jury members. (Don't know what da fuck happened to Leif.) Before you know it, that jury will be filled and we will have our finalists. Give me a quick rundown. Gimme your ideal boot order and if it has changed, final 3.

I ask a lot, but it changes quickly, so whatcha think your odds are of winning? What about getting to the end?

With the vote being 5-2, is it easy pickin's now or this late in the game it doesn't really mean shit?

Are you in the mindset of taking people you know you can beat to the end or taking people you feel deserve to be there? Maybe a rare combination of both?

That's all I got this time for ya. Keep your eyes on the prize and do what all of the jury members couldn't do and make it to the end win that non-existent million dollar prize and title of "Winner of Stranded in Sri Lanka"! You've fought too hard and too long to fuck up now!
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Flicka Flame

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By Ryan
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I've had a bit to decompress and I'm feeling level-headed now. Let's get into it.

Let me start by saying this WHOLE FREAKING GAME is so hard cause you can try your hardest and do everything that you think is right, never attack anyone personally, yet get called a "puppy", a "bitch", and be disliked by nearly everyone. It really beats you up, but those who rise to the top are those who overcome their struggles.

Tribal was terrible. Patrick's words stung a bit. I think it all hurt my chances of winning. HOWEVER Simone and Kim are truly amazing cause they are keeping me sane right now. At least I have two people I can talk to still.

Worst case scenario is I get unanimously voted out next. Hopefully that won't happen, but I wouldn't be too surprised. Best case scenario is I find 2 people (anyone at this point) that will work with me so we can send someone else packing. I have my extra vote so hopefully it can break a 3-3 tie.

At this point I just want Christina, Matt, and Roark to all go in any order before the final 3 cause I'm frustrated and I'm now making decisions based on who I'm frustrated with apparently.

Odds of winning = 1%
Odds of getting to the end = 30% (I'm counting on Kim and Simone keeping me around)

I said when this merge began that it would be voting blocks and not one strong alliance picking off a weaker one. That's exactly how it's been and I have no doubt that it will continue. I could be next one to go though. My best bet is getting Simone and Kim to realize that I have no one in this game and that they very easily beat me if I'm in the final 3.

This whole game I've been thinking logically and doing what I thought would best help me in the end game. I was only going to bring people to the end that I thought I could beat. BUT NOW... icon_lol now I'm just extremely humiliated, upset, and angry, and I just want to screw up those who have made me feel this way.

Going off of the advice of the wonderful Simone, I'm going to embrace the Villain role. Love all the fans, screw all the haters.
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By Jeff Probst
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Yea, I think you know... at least you can say you have made moves. Sure they pissed people off and maybe they weren't the best decisions, but there are people who haven't made any moves at all. So there's that.
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Jeff Probst

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By Ryan
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Thanks for the kind words, y'all. Doing it all for y'all!

So right now I'm putting all of my eggs in the Simone/Kim basket. No one else has shown any interest in working with me. I've told both Simone and Kim about my extra vote (although apparently Cole told people so someone else might know about it). Right now they've both convinced me that us 3 will all vote Roark, then I use my extra vote and Roark goes. It would be absolutely hilarious if we were able to blindside them with it. Like I think I'd be able to die happy knowing these fools just got played.

Obviously, the risk is Simone/Kim turning on me. I don't think Kim would cause she's be very honest with me this whole game, so my real concern is with Simone. She's telling me everything I want to hear, that she wants to blindside Roark, won't tell anyone about the extra vote, and that she'll take me to the final 3. All I can do is hope it's true, but I would not be completely surprised if she got rid of me.
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