By Flicka Flame
You're almost at the half way mark, which is great but you still got a long way to go.

9-2 was almost unanimous with 11 votes. Surprised by this? Think it'll be this way for a while or two definitive sides will form with the numbers dwindling down?

What's the plan now with Chrissy gone?

I ask this a lot, but it changes so I will ask again, who is your ride or die in this game? (Yourself is NOT an acceptable answer, but "no one" is.)

Think the path is looking good for you to get to the end? What do you have to do in the next few rounds to get there?

Tell me who's with who right now. Any allies or groups you feel you need to break up? Anyone specifically you feel you need to watch out for?
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By Ryan
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So Matt told me right before the chat closed that everyone was voting Chrissy. My immediate thought was "Okay I trust Matt and if there is chat about Chrissy that means there isn't chat about me". I figured the plan was real that they were flipping the votes against Chrissy, but I figured it was so last minute, and no one else told me about it, that the votes would end up split between Chrissy and Julie so I just stuck with what I told everyone and voted Julie.

FAST FORWARD to after the vote comes out 9-2, yea I was shocked cause Cole, Patrick, Ali non of these fools told me. I do believe some of them were also told last minute so they didn't really have time to talk to me... BUT OTHERS, like Kim, Christina, Ali, Roark, Simone... they probably purposefully didn't tell me. I heard it was a combination of people thinking I was close with Chrissy and me potentially playing another idol on Julie. 2 people have confirmed this so someone was definitely taking a shot at me... at least it wasn't me. Right now I'm just trying to play dumb though and be like "no one told me"... hopefully that makes folks think I don't have anyone in this game. But not gonna lie, I am questioning every single person in this game that says they have my back. I just don't want to show that I'm sketched out.

Am I upset Chrissy is gone? Absolutely not. I would have been happy to write her name down cause she was upset with me and I had plans moving forward with other people. So yea, I'm content with the outcome.

Seems like an "alliance" is beginning to form with me involved. I'm not sure exactly who, but it'll include Ali, Christina, Matt, and probably Roark. I'm questioning right now whether this alliance would be real, cause they all just blindsided me. I assume Christina is semi on board. As in, she wants us to work, but she is also keeping Kim close. Sigh I don't even know.

It's like I want to work with Ali and Christina, but are they just using me? Then it's like I want to work with Cole and Patrick, but are they more aligned with Simone, who I'm pretty sure doesn't trust me? I feel like I have no options right now.

I have no ride or die. After that vote the only person I can say I trust more than 80% of what they say is Matt. He's the only one that was honest with me about the vote, but I know his name was also brought up so he doesn't have much power. No ride or die. No one I fully trust.

My path to end LMAO what path. If there is a path, I will find it, but right now all I see is a dense dark forest.

I feel like it's Ali and Christina, with potentially Simone and Kim - Cole and Patrick, with potentially Simone. That's the thing though. I still don't know where any of these lines actually are. I don't know who's lying to who, I don't know who's controlling what. I've never felt so lost in this game.
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By Ryan
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Is it too early to call out the rumors about people? Do I just trust this alliance that is forming or try to create chaos? I really don't know which is best right now.
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By Ryan
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Okay I'm calming down and I've still got more thinking to do... BUT I think I've fitting more pieces together. I think Simone is with Kim Christina and Ali. Ali has been shoving it down my ear that Simone could be suspicious of me, that I should stay away from Simone, but now that we have this "alliance" that could get rid of Simone, she thinks we should just get rid of Patrick and not Simone - ANOTHER NATYAYA 3.0 MEMBER MIND YOU. Christina and Ali are aligned with Kim and Simone, but are also playing their separate game where they align with me and some other outsiders. FUCK GUYS I'M EITHER SO CRAZY OR SO WOKE IDK, pardon my language.
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By Ryan
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I've decided to go down the chaos route. I need to get Simone Christina Ali and Kim all doubting each other. It's VERY possible I'm gonna be the next one to go after all of this, but if I don't do this then I'll probably be voted out within the next 3 or 4 votes cause I'm already a threat. I need to turn things now or I won't have the numbers to do it later. This is it y'all. Do or Die. I'm going all in.
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