-- 7th Place | 7th Juror | Voted Out 5-2 --
By Flicka Flame
Well that was certainly intense! Congrats on surviving the rock draw.

Speaking of, thoughts on that?

Only 7 of you left. Not much room left to hide now. Only 4 is the majority now, how do you make sure you're in the majority with such little wiggle room?

At the moment, how good are your odds of not only getting to the end but also getting the votes you need to win? More specifically, who on the jury's votes do you think you will be getting and whose do you think you will not be getting?

Who is the biggest threat right now to win and how do you make sure he/she doesn't get to the end and beat you?

What is your ideal final 3 right now? Who do you want to be sitting next to to better ensure that you win?

Are there definitive sides right now? Or is it a free for all to the end?

Remember, there's only so much game left to get to final tribal council, make sure you're doing what you need to in order to get there before time runs out. Good luck.
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Flicka Flame

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By Patrick
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that was so lit fuar i was losing interest in this game but that perked it right up
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By Patrick
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no one appreciates me in this tbh. i dont know what i expected with noobs that are mostly high schoolers? lmao <3 cuteys. having fun tho. christina needs to go first and then kim and then me ryan roark f3 delicious
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By Patrick
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i probably have to stop throwing challenges again soon too tbh sigh
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