-- 7th Place | 7th Juror | Voted Out 5-2 --
By Flicka Flame
Congratulations!!! YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE MERGE!!! icon_mml Be proud; it's a huge accomplishment. You've earned your spot here.

Let's get right into it!

13 people is a lot, now that you are all one tribe what's the plan on making sure you're in the majority?

Who is your ideal person to be voted out next?

Do you think the whole Cole vs. Julie craziness will have an impact on the first vote?

There was a lot of talk at the last tribal council about voting out inactive people over active people. Is this still the case or does it change now that the merge has come?

Does your gameplan change at all now that it's an individual game?

You know what? Why don't you give me some type of rundown of what you think of everyone left in the game? Who you think is with you or against you, who you want to work with, who you want to work against, who you like, who you hate, etc.

Also, feel free to air ANY AND ALL of your game thoughts here. (It surprisingly helps.)
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Flicka Flame

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By Patrick
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Lol thanks although I feel like I coulda slept through this pre-merge and still be here seeing how inactive all the people kicked off were.

ideal person to be voted out next i got no clue right now. shit changes so quickly its hard right now. im sort of playing the middle. and the middle itself changes so quickly so you cant put anything in stone or any options up in the air lest you become the target yourself and the middle shifts again. i hate three tribe splits apparently lol why couldnt we be two tribes and let me drill into them that we need to all stick together, three tribes at the merge mean they all have had to think outside the box already and for noobs thats ANNOYING. so instead of going hbic im having to go low for the most part, deffering to stronger personalities as long as it doesnt clash with my long term goals. SO glad that blow up between cole and julie happened, i needed some public heat to get any attention off me going into the merge and it worked a treat so far as i can tell.

oh itll have an impact lol just really cant see which one yet. shit could go either way. i think most people are also weary of trying to vote out one of each other when there are idols that could be lurkin about.

no more true inactives i think? although theres certainly people who talk less. it does change a little but not too much.

uh it changes a little. im probs gunna have to throw some challenges at the start i reckon, just to keep a low profile. i might not even be able to win em but i dont think i want too. in terms of strategy very little changes. i just want to get a core group together for 2 maybe 3 rounds and then start to work both sides down to the end.

thats the thing i havent alienated anyone in this game yet (i hope not at least) and ive tried to be a social butterfly. of course that means that people compare notes and recognise that u are the social butterfly but at that usually doesnt happen THIS early. in a couple rounds they will but hopefully by then i have a strong group to work with to protect me. all i know is simone is a good close ally and i love her so much. cole is also loyal to the end and i need him around for a lil longer. i like the guy too so that helps.

ask me any other q's i am bad at writing confessionals these days lol soz
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By Patrick
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Pretty quiet. unfortunately i sleep during a lot of when people are up. but this has the bonus of me not being a loud presence. mixed bag. looks like two sides are emerging for both julie and cole. cole is simone/kim/xtina/ali/cole and me if i join in, which im leaning towards. the other side is ryan/chrissy/jonas/leif/julie. we think matt and roark are in the middle somewhere, not sure where. i dont really care who goes although obviously cole is someone im closer with as hes more loyal to me but i dont dislike julie. would just be keen if i could get some chinwag on with matt and roark to solidify them.

where is PDC btw hi :)
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By Trashley Markwood
I think she died in 2015, but dw Trashley's here 5eva.

So this vote may come down to a split you think? how dramatic <3 Do you have any preference for the actual vote this round?
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Trashley Markwood

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By Patrick
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can you fucking host challenges a little bit better for fucks sake. obviously it doesnt matter this one but when they actually start to matter if some dumb shit ruling like that happens im legit just gunna quit holy fuck
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