-- 5th Place | 9th Juror | Voted Out 4-2 --
By Jeff Probst
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Well that was quite the dramatic coucnil.

Lots of revelations that round. Starting with the challenge... Did any of the answers reveal anything that you were unaware of? Do any of them concern you?

The Tribal Council... well that was a doozey. What are your thoughts on Patrick saying that Patrick/Simone/Cole/Kim were forced to be together and Ryan and Roark are joining them?

How does Julie going home affect your game?

Who is your target going forward and who do you think stands the best chance of winning the game now?
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Jeff Probst

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By Matt
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The only revelation was that most of the cast was stupid. If they truly thought I was the biggest final 3 goat why would I have been gone if I lost. Most of the things that I put down are the ones that were the real answers so it didnt surprise me too much. I mean let them think im the biggest f3 goat cause then maybe they will take me to the end. Also apparently im the most unbearable to talk to, yet people like Simone make me cringe everytime i talk to them. I assume that they just voted me julie and christina cause they didnt want to shit on anyone in their alliance (basically a popularity contest)

I mean me christina and julie have been trying to tell Ryan and Roark this the whole time yet they didn't listen. They are sheeps being led to the slaughter. I think that they are starting to open their eyes a little bit and actually start playing the game

I cant really say I wasnt expecting it, tbh im just glad christina is here with her idol. as long she is here with an idol i am not the biggest threat and she will be targetted. They could split the votes with me but I think we will be able to get someone to flip. Also, Julie and I talked a lot but I didn't really have a good read on her which kind of scared me.

My best chances of winning this game are with Roark and Ryan, so i basically would cut loose anyone whose not them. Kim will 100% win the game and she is on her way
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By Jeff Probst
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Is there anyone from the alliance of Patrick/Kim/Simone/Cole that you think you can scare into flipping? Who of those 4 have the biggest targets painted on them and who is the most likely candidate to flip?
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Jeff Probst

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By Matt
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I think so, everyone is scared of 2 primary threats to win the game, Christina and Kim. i can use that to my advantage. Maybe getting them to flip and blindside the hell out of Kim, or we could blindside Christina and send her home with (possibly) two idols. Of course, if I did get rid of Christina I would be all alone. But that wouldn't really be a bad thing. Why get rid of someone you can get rid of at any time. This would cause them to flip on each other and that alliance is really 3-3 (Kim Simone and Roark vs. Ryan Patrick Cole) which would leave me the swing vote and possibly a pretty easy path. (although you can take nothing for granted) Kim definitely has the biggest target painted on her back. I think all of them could flip on each other but I don't really think it is the smartest move for them to neccasarily do it (taking out Christina could be the best move)
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