By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Surprise bitch!!!!!

That was more of a surprise than that vote by the looks of the vote count - should we expect anything different moving forward?

How do you feel your standing with the current jurors is? Do you need their votes, or do you think you have at least 5 of the remaining castaways votes?

How are you planning around the possibility of an idol being found (or not found)? Who do you think has it, or does no one?

FYI - I’m Joaq, I was on dumpster fire of a season Stranded in Indonesia and have hosted every season since. I’ve been mad busy with work (I’m like, really cool) so mostly my hosting duties have been relegated to pre-game planning and idols while I was out premerge. Hopefully you’ll be less of a pussy at the next tribal.
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Joaquin Souberbielle