By Flicka Flame
Can you believe it? YOU. ARE. IN. THE. FINAL. SIX. (well, final 5, pretty much) Only 5 people stand in your way and that's pretty good considering you've outlasted 14 so far.

That was certainly a very... informative tribal council for everyone left in the game, the jury and the hosts. Do you feel like you are in a better or worse position after that show?

What is the worst case scenario for you in the upcoming round? What is the best case scenario?

That jury is filling up fast and there are now 6 players and 6 jury members. (Don't know what da fuck happened to Leif.) Before you know it, that jury will be filled and we will have our finalists. Give me a quick rundown. Gimme your ideal boot order and if it has changed, final 3.

I ask a lot, but it changes quickly, so whatcha think your odds are of winning? What about getting to the end?

With the vote being 5-2, is it easy pickin's now or this late in the game it doesn't really mean shit?

Are you in the mindset of taking people you know you can beat to the end or taking people you feel deserve to be there? Maybe a rare combination of both?

That's all I got this time for ya. Keep your eyes on the prize and do what all of the jury members couldn't do and make it to the end win that non-existent million dollar prize and title of "Winner of Stranded in Sri Lanka"! You've fought too hard and too long to fuck up now!
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Flicka Flame

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By Christina
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This is so awesome!! Final 5 here I come!!!!

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That was certainly a very... informative tribal council for everyone left in the game, the jury and the hosts. Do you feel like you are in a better or worse position after that show?

100% Better. Simone/Kim are saying they want to work with me. I know Matt/Roark seem to want Ryan out and work with me.

I do think i would be dumb to believe it will be smooth sailing. my goal is to try and get kim and simone to want a badass final 3 with the best three players: us.

My thought is if we have Ryan go next, Matt/Roark may approach Simone to try and get me out at Final 5, and Kim out at Final 4. So we do have some bumps that may occur before the end.

What is the worst case scenario for you in the upcoming round? What is the best case scenario?

Best thing to happen would be Ryan to go, worst thing would be to lose Kim. If Kim left, I would see that people want to keep ryan as a pawn for the end game. That is not the way I am playing it a this point. I need Ryan out of here.

That jury is filling up fast and there are now 6 players and 6 jury members. (Don't know what da fuck happened to Leif.) Before you know it, that jury will be filled and we will have our finalists. Give me a quick rundown. Gimme your ideal boot order and if it has changed, final 3.

6th: Ryan
5th: Matt
4th: Roark
Final 3 with Kim and Simone.

I want to have a badass ending to an awesome game. If I lose this game, I want to lose to Kim or Simone--games that I respect and would deserve to be winners.

I ask a lot, but it changes quickly, so whatcha think your odds are of winning? What about getting to the end?

I think my odds to win are kind of iffy. I mean, I played such an underdog game. However, I was so out of the loop on a lot of the inter-mingling and workings of the alliances because of it. I just, personally, have a hard time thinking I deserve it over some. However, I think my chance to win may be good due to the support the jury has shown here and there.

I think getting to the end is going to be hard. I have my idol, and I am trying to see if I can make things work with Simone/Kim for a final 3. If not, Matt/Roark(but Matt is already talking shit about me to kim/simone, so i doubt he really wants this)

With the vote being 5-2, is it easy pickin's now or this late in the game it doesn't really mean shit?

It doesn't mean shit! Everything is about to get crazy. I think Ryan may be the one to go, and then we have our top 5. But I could see other shit happening too.

Are you in the mindset of taking people you know you can beat to the end or taking people you feel deserve to be there? Maybe a rare combination of both?

I am leaning towards the people that deserve to be there: Simone and Kim deserve to be there over Matt/Roark/ I am leaning towards that. icon_mml
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By Christina
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Worst thing happened! Ryan won immunity. So the ideal would be Matt to go, he never really wanted to work with me. He wants to go to the end with Roark/Simone or Roark/Ryan.

Therefore, my thought is those 3 are going to come back together to target Kim or myself. I need to be sure that Matt goes home.

I am telling Matt/Roark that my idol had to be used before merge started, therefore--they may target me tonight, making Simone/Kim/Myself the only votes valid to take out Matt.
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By Christina
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I wish I could trust Matt, but he shown himself to not be trustworthy. He is playing for himself. So be it. This is a test, and he is failing. He immediately is talking to Kim/Simone about voting for me with Ryan/Roark. icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml
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By Christina
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omg simone is telling matt, that kim/i want him out. this game right now. i cannot do anything. UGH
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By Christina
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wtf is simone doing, i would have went to the final 3 with you. icon_chaos icon_chaos icon_chaos
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