By Joaquin Souberbielle
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Surprise bitch!!!!!

That was more of a surprise than that vote by the looks of the vote count - should we expect anything different moving forward?

How do you feel your standing with the current jurors is? Do you need their votes, or do you think you have at least 5 of the remaining castaways votes?

How are you planning around the possibility of an idol being found (or not found)? Who do you think has it, or does no one?

FYI - I’m Joaq, I was on dumpster fire of a season Stranded in Indonesia and have hosted every season since. I’ve been mad busy with work (I’m like, really cool) so mostly my hosting duties have been relegated to pre-game planning and idols while I was out premerge. Hopefully you’ll be less of a pussy at the next tribal.
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Joaquin Souberbielle

By Christina
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That was more of a surprise than that vote by the looks of the vote count - should we expect anything different moving forward?

No, I don't think so. I think we will keep having surprises. I am just very shocked in Roark/Ryan/Julie the most--they seem to want to just want to follow the Cole/Patrick/Simone/Kim??

I think Ryan and Roark prob have some deals to some degree. Matt said he voted for Patrick as well, so that would mean Ali voted for me or didn't vote? So confused by that. I bet Matt is lying though.

It just is very odd. icon_unsure

I mean, I am a challenge target but because it is now seen that Kim/Simone were lying, and everything--I have no actual votes or allies to control. Final 10 to be good at challenges is all I have.

Maybe I should have thrown some of the challenges? icon_laughing icon_laughing icon_laughing

My goal was to talk to everyone last night. I put some hints on Roark/Ryan/Matt/Julie to want to do something next round. We have 5 votes, which is the majority if Leif does not vote. 5-4 vote at the FInal 10 and we take out Simone/Kim who have the most social control.

If they do it--another blindside, and we will be good. If they don't, I have my idol to play anyways. My thought is: They think I am playing it next, so if I can avoid using it..might be ideal. icon_whistling

If Kim can win another challenge, I avoid using my idol--Simone goes, Kim would be a huge threat in challenges + social game. If that is the way that these players are going to play: Who do they fear the most, instead of the numbers they can obtain to control the votes? Just seems kind of backwards to the way I play.

I am never scared of challenge wins, challenge wins don't deserve to win the game: Social/Strategic game and controlling votes is the players I want to see do well. ;( Just sucks that I have been lied to by so many: Legit everyone. Everything I thought: LIES

How do you feel your standing with the current jurors is? Do you need their votes, or do you think you have at least 5 of the remaining castaways votes?

I have a huge uphill battle. If I actually make it to the end. I think I have some good respect from Jonas/Ali, and maybe even the others'. They have no reason to get mad at me if I was to betray or lie to people--since they all seem to have lied to me.

How are you planning around the possibility of an idol being found (or not found)? Who do you think has it, or does no one?

I know Kim was very close to getting it. I have to just focus on me though. I have no votes or way to do much right now.

I can only keep pestering Julie, Roark, Ryan, and Matt to make a move with me. For Leif to do something--if he gets online, etc. I can't personally do much about the idol.
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By Christina
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I haven't had such a quiet day in so long. icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep

I love strategic game and social games. I really should have just thrown the challenges! icon_no icon_no

I just wanted to do something different for a change! Go for the public idol! Go hard for everything! Be a huge name. icon_weep

I guess I learn from my mistakes. icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry
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