By Flicka Flame
Well that was certainly intense!

Speaking of, thoughts on that vote and rock draw?

Only 7 of you left. Not much room left to hide now. Only 4 is the majority now, how do you make sure you're in the majority with such little wiggle room?

At the moment, how good are your odds of not only getting to the end but also getting the votes you need to win? More specifically, who on the jury's votes do you think you will be getting and whose do you think you will not be getting?

Who is the biggest threat right now to win and how do you make sure he/she doesn't get to the end and beat you?

What is your ideal final 3 right now? Who do you want to be sitting next to to better ensure that you win?

Are there definitive sides right now? Or is it a free for all to the end?

Remember, there's only so much game left to get to final tribal council, make sure you're doing what you need to in order to get there before time runs out. Good luck.
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Flicka Flame

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By Christina
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Speaking of, thoughts on that vote and rock draw?

LOL!!!! So happy that Cole fucked up, didn't swap his vote and then took the price and left. icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml One of Simone/Patrick/Kim/Cole is down! 3 more to go!

Only 7 of you left. Not much room left to hide now. Only 4 is the majority now, how do you make sure you're in the majority with such little wiggle room?

My goal is to stay close with Ryan/Matt/Roark if they will, and we could aim to vote Kim again or Patrick/Simone.

I am also talking to Kim about us going to the end together. I am trying to see what else is out there. I know my sight is very very close if I voted out Kim. I would be destined for 5th. If I can somehow convince Simone/Kim that us three in the end would just be a fun, and badass ending--then maybe I could have an alliance that would work--instead of an alliance out of convenience.

At the moment, how good are your odds of not only getting to the end but also getting the votes you need to win? More specifically, who on the jury's votes do you think you will be getting and whose do you think you will not be getting?

I think if the jury respects my underdog game, I could win. However, I am not in the known of the strategic game the others' are playing. Whenever I played games in the past--I have always loved to see someone who is well adjusted, and aware of what is going on. I was shut out of a lot of this merge game due to my challenge wins, idols, and being lied to by Simone/Kim. Therefore, I have been playing very defensively throughout the merge which has hindered me from having much control or knowledge.

Who is the biggest threat right now to win and how do you make sure he/she doesn't get to the end and beat you?

Patrick/Kim are the biggest threats to win right now. I think, ideally, I can take them out. I also think if Roark/Ryan/Matt play a middle game--they could also become more strategic threats in control of the end game. It is kind of open with them. I just think getting to the end in general is my goal, because it is such an uphill battle.

What is your ideal final 3 right now? Who do you want to be sitting next to to better ensure that you win?

Roark/Matt would prob be ideal, because they would look a bit pawny and goaty.

I also think a Simone/Kim/Christina Finale would be hawt. icon_razz

Are there definitive sides right now? Or is it a free for all to the end?
The sides right now to me are:

Roark/Ryan/Matt/Christina VS Simone/Kim/Patrick

We will see if these change over the next 24 hours.
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By Christina
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By the way, I hinted that I got the green tribe idol. And I think some people are buying it. icon_laughing
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By Christina
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I won another immunity! This is crazy! I did not think I could win that one. I think everyone is too concerned about me at this point. They don't realize that I am so not important in the long part of this game. Stop focusing on me and focus on yourself and playing the best game you can! So odd!! These players!!

My goal is to get Patrick out. I can try and work with Simone/Kim at the final 6 to get that final 3 to potentially work. I could also try and take them out with Ryan/Roark/Matt. I have more options and potential moves then I do with Patrick here. Patrick has clearly told me he wants nothing to do with me. If you don't want anything to do with me--then get out. Who plays survivor and just completely disregards one person? Rude as fuck.
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By Christina
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Ew Ryan is trying to get Patrick to stay. icon_mad icon_mad icon_mad RYAN IS SUCH A FLIP FLOPPER.
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