By Jeff Probst
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Well that was quite the dramatic coucnil.

Lots of revelations that round. Starting with the challenge... Did any of the answers reveal anything that you were unaware of? Do any of them concern you?

The Tribal Council... well that was a doozey. What were your thoughts on the alleged forced friendship of Patrick/Simone/Cole/Kim with Ryan and Roark as hangers on as revealed by Patrick?

How does Julie going home affect your game?

Who is your target going forward and who do you think stands the best chance of winning the game now?
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By Christina
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Lots of revelations that round. Starting with the challenge... Did any of the answers reveal anything that you were unaware of? Do any of them concern you?

None of them revealed much to me other then people considering me a liar and betrayer. I feel like I have been very loyal to many in this game, and they have been more dishonest and betraying me. icon_weep Not sure if I understand that one as much.

The Tribal Council... well that was a doozey. What were your thoughts on the alleged forced friendship of Patrick/Simone/Cole/Kim with Ryan and Roark as hangers on as revealed by Patrick?

My ideal is to get it to split up. If Simone/Kim realize that Ryan may be a trio with Cole/Patrick..they may want to go for breaking it up. If I can somehow make that become something, then we may be able to take out Cole/Patrick before Matt or myself. Who knows if they would though. They may wait and try to do something in another round.

How does Julie going home affect your game?

It takes away a number. She was stubborn at times. Like she wanted Patrick to go this round, she wanted Ali to go last round--when we could have used Ali. I think she played at times with her heart, but overall he had her head on straight. She knew about the alliance, and would have been a number for me to take out Cole/Patrick/Simone/Kim

Who is your target going forward and who do you think stands the best chance of winning the game now?

My targets are the people that have the best chance to win: Kim/Simone/Cole/Patrick. They have played from merge on wards strong. They have kept control, and now are on complete fire for it. They are still surviving, people are still eating their every word and not playing for themselves--but instead playing for that group of four.
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By Jeff Probst
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Are the largest threats going to be targetted first? What is your threat level to the other players? How can you divert attention away from yourself so you aren't targetted or is that a moot point?
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By Christina
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I have been talking to each person about how it benefits them to keep myself roark and matt in.

I hinted at having 2 idols to cole, because why not. and i am claiming that im destined for 5th, because ill likely win an immunity challenge and have 2 idols to make top 5, and then get taken out regardless.

my thought is if i can convince cole that patrick simone kim have to go for him to win with a f3 with roark and ryan. or if simone/kim think that as well and take out each other and/or cole/patrick

that is my biggest goal at this point.

it may not work but i have to try. with roark and ryan, im hoping they also help try to split simone/kim/cole/patrick.

its hard to do this alone, but i hope it shakes them.

what is kind of annoying is talking to cole and saying he has no chance to win. or ryan saying he has no chance.

If u dont have a chance then do something to make urself have a chance!! if ryan takes out those 4, and goes with roark and matt, he would b badass. is vote him to win.

if cole turned on simone and kim, and then eventually patrick—took ryan and roark as goats and he wins.

Like come on people, its not the end yet—you have time to do shit! just step up and do it.
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By Jeff Probst
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What is your relationship with Kim, because you two originally were aligned on Natyaya in the early days, where did the rift start?
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By Christina
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:53:50 am
What is your relationship with Kim, because you two originally were aligned on Natyaya in the early days, where did the rift start?
The rift started when she voted for Ali. I always knew she was a threat but it was always going to be patrick simone cole first, because ali and i were ideally wanting to use kim’s vote.

i think back then, ali messed up a lot of the relationships i had as well. she wasnt the true ally that maybe i thought she was? that is what im gathering from people. icon_cry but idk if its true.

i think on kim’s end, and many, the challenge wins at merge scared them. they must have. icon_cry
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By Christina
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Kim is mad her name is coming up and I am voting her. Yet won't ask me to vote anyone with her? Like what the actual fuck is wrong with these people. icon_blink
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By Christina
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The plan, we will see if it actually goes through

Roark/Ryan/Matt/Myself voting for Kim

SOunds like the other 4 are voting for Roark, because I may play an idol on Matt. icon_rolleyes

Cole is hinting that he may also vote for Kim, but I doubt he actually will.

Time to see if people have balls to tie or not. Or if Cole has balls to go against his team. icon_razz
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