By Flicka Flame
icon_chaos Just like that the jury gets its first member. Good job on surviving.

Did that vote go the way you wanted?

Now that the jury phase has started, have you been thinking about your resume? What you've done so far and what you need to do to not only get to the end, but to also put enough people on the jury to vote for you to win?

Is it clear who voted for who or is it for the most part unknown?

With an idol played, a new one may be hidden. How much would this change the game?

Think you're in a good spot after the first merge vote?

No bullshit, what do you think your odds are of winning as of right now?

Good luck and hope to see you in the final 11.
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Flicka Flame

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By Christina
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Did that vote go the way you wanted?

Yes girl, it did. Jonas out, takes out a huge player in this game. Someone that could beat me in the challenges. He had a solid mind and brain to make moves.

This also makes Cole/Patrick/Simone a huge force in this game, and paints them as the biggest enemy.

Ryan/Leif/Julie now in the minority. Wildcard Roark.

Ideally, Leif will come clsoer to kim/i, and that can begin to form again from OG tribes.

Ali/Matt are still with me.

Simone/Chrissy still are talking to me a lot.

Patrick/Cole like me--Cole wants to work 1:1 with me.

Now that the jury phase has started, have you been thinking about your resume? What you've done so far and what you need to do to not only get to the end, but to also put enough people on the jury to vote for you to win?

I have been a strong social force in this game, I have had an idol since day 1 that has been a known idol. I still have that in my pocket. I have been a force in the challenges and a major threat. I am badass gurl. icon_mml

Is it clear who voted for who or is it for the most part unknown?

I think it is for us that are socially aware. Leif/Jonas/Julie voted for Roark. I thought the fourth person was Ryan, but not sure 100%. Everyone else voted for Jonas.

With an idol played, a new one may be hidden. How much would this change the game?

It kind of makes it known that Julie likely does not have an idol, with Ryan playing it--it kind of confirms that for us which is nice. I think it provides some safety with seeing one of the idols' gone. It looks to me the one from the pink team.

Think you're in a good spot after the first merge vote?

You never can know in a game like this. Merge is intense, and me having the immunity and an idol provides a lot of safety for me. I think people haven't had the chance to target me yet. So my name has been pretty clean.

No bullshit, what do you think your odds are of winning as of right now?

I think it is going to be an uphill battle come the end game. If I make it to the top 8/top 7, people are going to gun for me because of my challenge strength unless I can be sure to have Ali/Kim/Matt, etc around me--people who may keep me around regardless. It is going to be an interesting journey. I don't think I am out of it, but it is going to be tough.
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By Jeff Probst
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Christina, you've won the last two Immunities and still have a Public Immunity Idol. Are you concerned that you will be targeted?

You voted out Jonas in the last Tribal Council, who were you trying to weaken with that move? Are you concerned that there are only 4 original Natyaya players remaining? Yourself, Kim, Julie and Leif.

Who do you see as the most safe/most in power?
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Jeff Probst

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By Christina
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Christina, you've won the last two Immunities and still have a Public Immunity Idol. Are you concerned that you will be targeted?

Yes! Of course! I just don't have it in me to throw the challenges though. I am here who I am, and if they all suck at challenges---I will just keep winning them. icon_razz

You voted out Jonas in the last Tribal Council, who were you trying to weaken with that move? Are you concerned that there are only 4 original Natyaya players remaining? Yourself, Kim, Julie and Leif.

A little bit, yes. However, Jonas needed to go to weaken the potential of Julie/Jonas/Leif/Chrissy/Ryan being a thing. Chrissy and Leif will separate from that, and even RYan will now that Ryan doesnt have Jonas there. It basically got rid of that ever becoming a possibility and highlighting the major group of Cole/Patrick/Simone with potentials of Ryan being in some type of deal, Chrissy, Ali, etc. It makes it so they become the greater threats in the game.

Who do you see as the most safe/most in power?

Simone is in the best position right now. She has ties with the Cole/Patrick but also with us middle players. I think she is going to be the biggest threat to win as we move forward. She has the best social game at this time as well. Love talking to her but she will need to go eventually
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By Christina
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Here is my thought after today:

Julie is likely to go next. Ali&Matt did not like how they got yelled at by her last night. Also, Roark knows she voted for her--obviously.

The thought is to have Julie go.

Simone/Cole/Patrick/Kim are a known group of 4. They are saying we are a group of 5 but icon_yawn yah right.

So my thought: RYan/Chrissy/ALi/Matt/myself/Leif could be a majority 6 over that 4. And we could potentially blindside one of them after Julie left. icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml
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By Christina
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My thought: I need to keep COle/Patrick/Kim/Simone thinking I am with them, as I bond and talk with Ryan/Chrissy/Ali/Matt/Leif about doing a blindside AFTER Julie goes.

Hmmmm, social talent now
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By Christina
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Chrissy tried to get Matt out tonight. Saying that Julie was too obvious. Saying that Julie was a "Safe vote". AKA she has a deal with Julie and wants her to stay in.

Don't target my Matt.

SO I go to Cole. Cole is worried about an easy Julie vote. So I put Chrissy in the fireline. I tell Chrissy to calm down on the DL, saying I got her back, etc. But people are sketched by her targeting Matt.

I get COle to want Chrissy out to tell Patrick/Simone.

Ali wants Julie out

Matt wants Julie out--until SImone/Patrick/Cole want Chrissy out. icon_wacko icon_wacko icon_wacko

I am so over the amount of control those 3 have. It is sickening.

So my thought is if CHrissy can go this round, and the majority is on her--Chrissy out.

Roark/Ali/Myself/Leif are potentials maybe with Julie and Matt as well, and get a group of 6 to have a majority in top 11 to vote out COle/Patrick/Simone??

I have lots of bonds going on, and people thinking I have their back> I still have my idol in my pocket. If evryone keeps trusting me--the moment I dont have immunity..they wont vote me, they will vote WITH me for someone else. I wont use the idol, and ill keep that shit till top 6. I just need keep the people i can work with in the game: Ali, Leif, Matt being the core 3 for me.

Simone/Kim are amazing but have too many ties. Ryan/Cole/Patrick i just dont' trust enough yet.

Such a hot mess!! But I am trying to work everyone to trust Christina. icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling
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