By Flicka Flame
Congratulations!!! YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE MERGE!!! icon_mml Be proud; it's a huge accomplishment. You've earned your spot here.

Let's get right into it!

13 people is a lot, now that you are all one tribe what's the plan on making sure you're in the majority?

Who is your ideal person to be voted out next?

Do you think the whole Cole vs. Julie craziness will have an impact on the first vote?

There was a lot of talk at the last tribal council about voting out inactive people over active people. Is this still the case or does it change now that the merge has come?

Does your gameplan change at all now that it's an individual game?

You know what? Why don't you give me some type of rundown of what you think of everyone left in the game? Who you think is with you or against you, who you want to work with, who you want to work against, who you like, who you hate, etc.

Also, feel free to air ANY AND ALL of your game thoughts here. (It surprisingly helps.)
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Flicka Flame

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By Christina
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13 people is a lot, now that you are all one tribe what's the plan on making sure you're in the majority?

My plan is to play the middle as much as I can. I don't want to pick a side because I will never be #1 or #2 even. Jonas/Julie side will always have them before me. Then we have Cole who will always have Patrick/Simone before me. Even Kim most likely.

I need to make my own side. Which brings me to maybe wanting Matt here longer then I originally was thinking.

Who is your ideal person to be voted out next?

Roark is kind of a nobody, so to have her go wouldn't change much of the dynamic--so that would be nice, but it would never happen. I see her floating for awhile in the merge as we have 2 dynamic sides.

My goal is to have it become Patrick vs Jonas. Kind of the 2nd in commands behind Julie and Cole if you will, have them get the votes, have me saying I will use my idol but not using it. icon_whistling

Avoid the elimination and take out a big player but still remaining the sides to attack each other.

Do you think the whole Cole vs. Julie craziness will have an impact on the first vote?

Yes! It has already changed the merge. It is causing sides to form:

Ryan/Chrissy seem to be with Julie/Jonas/Leif

Simone/Kim seem to be with Cole/Patrick but will eventually join up with Ali/Myself as needed, and we may use Matt as a 5th--would be my ideal.

There was a lot of talk at the last tribal council about voting out inactive people over active people. Is this still the case or does it change now that the merge has come?

It defo has changed a lot because of the Julie vs Cole fight, and nobody has been displaying themselves as overly not here anymore.

Does your gameplan change at all now that it's an individual game?

Not so much, it just brings to light how close we are to the end, and the need to step everything up to remain in a majority and in control of your own fate for as long as possible.

You know what? Why don't you give me some type of rundown of what you think of everyone left in the game? Who you think is with you or against you, who you want to work with, who you want to work against, who you like, who you hate, etc.

I think Ali is with me. I think Simone/Kim wants me here. I think even Julie/Jonas/Leif, to an extent, thing I will join up with them again!

I think Matt may think Ali/Me/Him is still a potential.

I have a lot to work with. I am trying to bond with RYan, Chrissy, Cole as much as I can as well.

My ultimate goal would be to remain in the middle during the first vote to verify the sides

To verify if RYan/Chrissy are really with Leif/Julie/Jonas or not. To verify if Simone/Kim will really break away from Patrick/Cole when we will need them to.

I just need to keep Ali in here, and surprisingly I may need to keep Matt in here as well for the time being to protect myself with some numbers.
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By Christina
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omg every time i am online its been very chatty.

ill post more later but its still very;

cole/patrick/simone/kim vs julie/jonas/leif/chrissy

ryan/ali/matt seem to b playing all sides with me. ryan/matt leaning towards julie’s side and ali/mysef leaning towards the side with simone

kim/ali seem very much on the same page as me with how id wanna have these sides long enough to have our own majority form. icon_cool icon_cool
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By Christina
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My vibe right now is to let shit go down so I can see where people stand.

Everyone is very confusing.

I thought Chrissy/Ryan were tight with Julie/Jonas/Leif, I thought Leif was tight with Julie/Jonas, but seems even Chrissy/Leif are talking about Jonas. Unless they are just trying to fish for information.

On top of that, Kim's name has come up by Julie/Ryan

Patrick/Cole's name came up originally but them swapping to Kim is gross. I cannot have Kim go. I need Ali/Simone/Kim here, Even Matt is beneficial right now. Anybody but them or Me.

So my goal is to have it be Jonas if he loses. I think Simone/Cole/Patrick/Kim/Ali/Matt would all do it, and be a huge majority. Maybe even Roark. Jonas is a huge challenge threat and hasn't given me much other then he is close to Julie. Boringggg. I miss the old Jonas. If he wasn't Julie's lap dog I would hope he would work with me. Such a mess.

TOnight is a legit mess, and I am leaning towards using my idol to stay safe as needed. If I think, even slightly, that my name may come up. Shall see.
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By Christina
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Actually, do we think this hot mess would put votes on the girl with an idol? I doubt it. THey are soooo all over place. To be honest, they dont have enough votes or trust to split votes on me/someone else.

I think I might be okay to just sit here and not use my idol. And wait. icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling
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By Christina
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I am now bringing up Roark's name. icon_laughing I couldn't sit still! She just is such a waste of space! Let her go now and keep this shit going. icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling
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By Christina
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Jonas and Roark sound like they are getting votes now

SOunds like Kim/Simone/Patrick/Cole/Ali/Myself - Jonas voters
Everyone else pushing onto Roark, will have Roark go if Jonas uses an idol. Hmmmmmmm
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By Christina
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YAAAS. Power player over here. Idol in my pocket, immunity around my neck. JOnas is getting majority, ROark getting a few random votes. Perfecto.

Jonas will go unless he has an idol. If he does, ROark should go--unless Jonas/Julie are really voting someone else out.

icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml icon_mml

This merge tribe is such a mess.
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By Christina
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Telling everyone what they want to hear.

Everyone is piling on Jonas. This is crazy. Jonas knows his name is coming up, so if he has an idol--he is defo playing it.

LOLing so much. This is a mess!!

I keep telling Ali/Matt = as long as it isn't us.

Simone/Kim/Leif i need to keep trust with so i dont want to lie to them if i can help it.

Jonas/Julie can't know I am directly voting Jonas - but I am going to tell everyone else that I am voting Jonas to make sure I don't come across as a liar before I need to. icon_mml icon_mml
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