-- 11th Place | 3rd Juror | Voted Out 7-2-1 --
By Flicka Flame
Congratulations!!! YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE MERGE!!! icon_mml Be proud; it's a huge accomplishment. You've earned your spot here.

Let's get right into it!

13 people is a lot, now that you are all one tribe what's the plan on making sure you're in the majority?

Who is your ideal person to be voted out next?

Do you think the whole Cole vs. Julie craziness will have an impact on the first vote?

There was a lot of talk at the last tribal council about voting out inactive people over active people. Is this still the case or does it change now that the merge has come?

Does your gameplan change at all now that it's an individual game?

You know what? Why don't you give me some type of rundown of what you think of everyone left in the game? Who you think is with you or against you, who you want to work with, who you want to work against, who you like, who you hate, etc.

Also, feel free to air ANY AND ALL of your game thoughts here. (It surprisingly helps.)
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Flicka Flame

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By Ali
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Flicka Flame wrote:
Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:59:36 pm
Congratulations!!! YOU'VE MADE IT TO THE MERGE!!! icon_mml Be proud; it's a huge accomplishment. You've earned your spot here.

Let's get right into it!

13 people is a lot, now that you are all one tribe what's the plan on making sure you're in the majority?

Who is your ideal person to be voted out next?

Do you think the whole Cole vs. Julie craziness will have an impact on the first vote?

There was a lot of talk at the last tribal council about voting out inactive people over active people. Is this still the case or does it change now that the merge has come?

Does your gameplan change at all now that it's an individual game?

You know what? Why don't you give me some type of rundown of what you think of everyone left in the game? Who you think is with you or against you, who you want to work with, who you want to work against, who you like, who you hate, etc.

Also, feel free to air ANY AND ALL of your game thoughts here. (It surprisingly helps.)
Well, with Bill and Michael leaving, we have a full and exciting merge here on our hands. 13 people, however, is a lot to manage so we will see what happens. Things are quieter than I want it to be but I believe it's because of the holiday and it being a weekend. But, it's the day before the vote so I thought people would be talking more and the group I am with would be more organized as of now.

I am glad about the Julie and Cole drama because it takes the focus off of me and I can use that to exploit and make my way in the game leaving a wake of expelled players in my path. I'd actually like to keep them in the game as long as possible because that rivalry will always be the distraction.

As of now, the plan is for myself, Kim, Simone, Christina, Matt and Cole and Patrick to vote together for anyone not part of that particular voting bloc. We are aiming for Jonas, because while Julie and Chrissy's name has circulated, there are potential idols out there so we think it's best if it is a blindside. The thing is, I have heard Jonas name for a couple days now so the fact that his name has been going around has me worried that he believes it could be him if someone let it slip. I'd actually be more inclined in going for Leif because I do not think he'd see it coming and he also probably has a better shot at ingratiating himself in the group, especially with Christina.

I have been communicating with Ryan, and I do like him, but I am not sure if trust him completely. I can tell he's trying to play both sides, but it's the game I somewhat want to play and I don't know if I can have that. Besides, I think this game is all he thinks about so he's willing to do anything to survive. But, hopefully I can use him as my ace in the hole in the future. The Julie group is Jonas, Julie, Chrissy and we believe Leif as well. I do believe Ryan would be right with him if he was confident the numbers were there.

As far as working with Simone, Kim, Christina, Matt, Patrick and Cole, that is not a longterm thing for me. I dunno where I stand in that group and I don't trust any of them completely and that's how I like it. I never want to get too confident and I definitely am not riding to the end with that crew but I think they will be truthful at least going into this next vote. I have no idea where this Roark chick stands, but she might need to go soon because she isn't communicating with me as much as I'd like.

Tomorrow, heads will roll if we pull this off. The main reason we pulled in Patrick and Cole was because I dont believe for a second Julie is willing to work with them so this is the perfect opportunity for us to use them now and take out a big threat and crumble that Julie army. But, we are not out of the woods yet - Leif and Jonas have both been tribunal and they got both of the idol clues so we have to be careful. I am just hoping things spice up around here so we can get something concrete because I am legitimately concerned that we should go for Leif instead of Jonas.
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