-- 11th Place | 3rd Juror | Voted Out 7-2-1 --
By Flicka Flame
You're almost at the half way mark, which is great but you still got a long way to go.

9-2 was almost unanimous with 11 votes. Surprised by this? Think it'll be this way for a while or two definitive sides will form with the numbers dwindling down?

What's the plan now with Chrissy gone?

I ask this a lot, but it changes so I will ask again, who is your ride or die in this game? (Yourself is NOT an acceptable answer, but "no one" is.)

Think the path is looking good for you to get to the end? What do you have to do in the next few rounds to get there?

Tell me who's with who right now. Any allies or groups you feel you need to break up? Anyone specifically you feel you need to watch out for?
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Flicka Flame

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By Ali
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Hmmmm, looks like there’s a group of myself, Christina, Roark, Julie, Matt and Ryan about to blindside the shiznit out of Patrick tomorrow and I can’t wait. icon_blush
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By Ali
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I think I might be turning out to be quite the devious bitch. That is not how I tried to play, but I have been lying to Simone, Kim, and Patrick all day. They have no idea that my plan as of now is to take out Patrick tonight, with the help of Julia, Roark, Ryan, Christina and Matt. I really hope this blindside works and I want shocked faces at the end of TC. I cannot wait to see what Cole, Kim, and Simone have to say after the vote. I am hoping Kim doesn't get tipped off about this either. icon_mad

I think Simone feels worried because she was sending me some desperate style PM's this morning and approached me about a F4 between herself, myself, Kim and Christina. Too little, too late. I actually like Simone but she is definitely not in my end game plans as of now. What really got me gears grinding was how easy Patrick, Cole and Simone were able to flip that vote on Chrissy last night. If they were able to do that within twenty minutes before the vote, who else knows what they are capable of.

I dont have a ride or die for now, but I think I might feel strategically closest to Ryan, Matt and Christina. Now, dont get me wrong, I do not trust anybody 100%, but you have to put you faith in someone, and as of now, those three are that. I am just hoping that this Patrick blindside happens, that he doesn't get tipped off, that he doesn't win immunity, and that he doesn't play the HII correctly if he were to have it. So many factors need to happen in order for us to be successful tonight. Now, although Roark and Julie are voting with us tonight, that doesn't mean I am sticking with them long term even if they think otherwise. After every vote I am going to try to reassemble and reassess things. Christina I think is a good meat shield for now, but I know I will have to take her out when the time is right.

Anyway, Patrick/Simone/Cole and Kim, if she's with them, have to be broken up and I love being part of a good blindside, so I am hoping this pulls through. It's not just the blindside, but the aftermath, and all the shocked faces. Cant wait to see the Kim and Simone running to me in shock and horror trying to scramble and save themselves. Simone said that people are blaming her for the Chrissy boot but that nobody is giving out a specific name in who is accusing her of this. icon_laughing
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By Ali
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If there was an option for Christina to leave tonight I’d be all up for it. icon_censored

She told Kim about the plan.
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By Ali
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I’m going to try to suggest a vote split, that way I might have the votes to get Christina out tonight potentially.
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By Ali
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Christina didn't even play her idol. icon_censored I could've potentially gotten her out tonight.
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